lets see:
Junks vs Mikes -
Junkies hands down. Funnier, more hip, better banter, interesting guests and they crossover from sports into anything and everything. I hate how espn forces these guys down our throats -- when I tuned into all-star game coverage last week, there they were, coaching. Coaching, really?
Wise vs Cowherd -
Wise by default. Cowherd is just horrible.
Wise vs Sheehan -
For now, even. Mike is still finding his rhythm, but I get the sense he will be relevant and entertaining. Kevin is knowledgeable, but he needs a sounding board. I'm surprised Sterno doesn't chime in more.
LaVar vs Coach & Doc -
This is where I'll be flipping the dial. I really like Walker's passion for all sports, not just the Redskins. LaVar is fresh; he will give us the player perspective whether we agree with it or not.
LaVar vs Pollin/ Czabe -
Going with LaVar for now. Czabe makes me laugh when he comes at you from left field, but Pollin is stale and tired.
Bottom line, nice to hear a LOCAL alternative to 980. So far, the big winner is the listener.