The Return of Homer


The Commissioner
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BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
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Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
Alma Mater

I remember fondly the reassuring self-knowledge that, when it came to being a Redskins fan, I was above all else - a homer. No matter how dire the outlook, bleak the prospects for my Redskins, or gut-wrenching the most recent loss, I knew one thing. Somewhere, deep down and buried just out of view, my Redskins were a great team waiting to blossom before my very eyes.

I miss that moniker.

Lately, I've found myself becoming that other guy - you know him well - that skeptical, negative, cynical critic of my own beloved team. I despise that guy, yet of late find him staring forlornly and dejectedly back at me from the bathroom mirror.

Be gone demon! I reject thee! Those are the words I long to say. And yet, today, I cannot deny him.

I pine for the moniker, the proud title....


In honor and celebration of that truest of NFL fans, the homer, I will recite weekly (after every glorious win or inglorious defeat), an appropriate passage from THE homer himself, from his great work 'The Iliad'.

Today, I bring you:

'Gods! How the son degenerates from the sire!'

The Iliad
Book 4.
Funny enough to say it, but I think it is in fact Zorn and not the talent of the team that is the issue as we conclude Week 2.

It is clear we are seeing calls being made during the game both last week and this week that only serve to undermine the credibility of the quarterback.

The call today to go for a fourth down play being up 2 with 2 minutes left to go was a decision that a professional coach really doesn't make.

Let's face it, the fans may not be horny for Zorny but it appears he might have the players now firmly shaking their heads as well.

I would love to see what Greg Blache's reaction to that call was.

I bet the first thing that went through his mind was 'this is not a call you make in the NFL'.

The sad part of this is that the Redskins only allowed 7 points on defense and Campbell did throw for 242 yards without an interception. Cooley was excellent.

Malcolm Kelly should have been used more.

By dropping a sure touchdown pass, Mike Sellers showed you why he should concentrate on blocking and keep his mouth shut.

Last year he wanted to carry the ball and Zorn obliged him and he fumbled at the goal line.

When is the tail going to stop wagging the dog?

Do you think Bill Parcells would allow players to determine their own roles?

There is no doubt in my mind that Tom Coughlin or Parcells could get 10 wins out of this team with Campbell at quarterback in 2009.

The difference?

These coaches attention to detail would have the Redskins better prepared to compete for 60 minutes each week and the playcalling would not look this choppy at critical times.
Funniest part is Bulldog, at that exact moment, as a fan I wanted Zorn to go for it. But I also expected him not to. You're right that, given the circumstances, the certain opportunity to force the other team to score a TD with a minute to go and no timeouts, a professional coach doesn't make that call.

That he then chose to go with a stretch play there, versus a 'we're going to shove you off the line of scrimmage and pound the ball for 3 yards' rushing play, speaks volumes IMHO.

And I have trouble reconciling the 2 decisions. Okay - you decide to 'go for it' (illogical in that position or not), but then don't have the faith that your players have the desire and fortitude to punch it in from short yardage?

Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

And honestly - I was thinking about Gibbs to Zorn, Jack Kent Cooke to Snyder with that quotation, not the players :) I agree with you, given the talent level, I think under other leadership, these players could impress. I don't 'blame' Zorn, however, who I really like on a personal level. He just appears in over his head, much like Spurrier. Lets face it - they had the same head coaching experience.
Btw, I thought a particularly telling moment today was when Danny Smith was frantically trying to get Coach Zorn to realize that he still had 30 seconds he could burn off the clock before calling a timeout. It was reminiscent of a couple of the gaffes Gibbs made late in his tenure. And, I thought, a little embarrassing to watch.
The concern is that going forward the team will play even more tentatively, taking their cues from Zorn.

To be successful on offense you need to maintain an attack mentality and Zorn has to regroup on offense and show next week that he is going to trust Campbell to attack the end zone when the team has driven the field.

Zorn can't come out and say he is confident in Campbell and at the same time continue to take the ball out of his hands on critical plays.

If we can see that the players saw this comg awhile ago.

Zorn has to prove himself this year, but instead of embracing the challenge he seems to be crumbling under the pressure.

So, that is why I say it is not Campbell and the talent that is the problem.

It's the HC.

The army is taking cues from its leader.

Zorn is giving the wrong cues.
How do you reconcile the positives of running Zorn out of town with the concern over Snyder going for another "big splash" coaching hire. Does that concern warrant keeping Zorn around for the sake of (hopeully) building chemistry and continuity?

I'm not sold on Zorn by any means and at this point my knee jerk reaction is to give up on him. He just hasn't seemed to be capable of making the Redskins offense go. However, I'd be lieing if a return of to the revolving door at head coach didn't concern me.
The advantage to keeping Zorn IMO was the chance to see Campbell grow in Year 2 and overcome the offseason flirtations with Cutler and Sanchez.

But it appears now as if by his game calls that Zorn doesn't have that much more confidence in Campbell than Cerrato/Snyder.

I really am shocked that Zorn hasn't taken a more aggressive approach to this season, realizing that to come back in 2010 he AND JC have to do well in 2009.

There's still 14 games left. Time to let Campbell finish off those drives with some more aggressive playcalling in the red zone.

Time to stop screwing around with Randle El throwing the ball and Sellers catching the ball.

Call me stupid but I think the team is better served with CAMPBELL throwing the ball and COOLEY, KELLY, MOSS or even Fred Davis catching the ball and not Sellers.

On defense, the play has been better but still sporadic at times.

Giving Steven Jackson a 7 yard cushion when he was lined up wide on third and 4 was something I was still shaking my head at during the game.
Goes back to the discussion in the Sellers re-signing thread Mike. It's true that Sellers is a great blocker. But that better be enough, because given the chance to be more than that, he's as likely to disappoint you as save the day.
Mistakes again cost this team again.

14 points (net 8 points) lost based on drops that should have been TDs (Sellers, Thomas).
A minimal of 3 pts. lost on Moss' fumble (we were in Suisham's range and driving)
Major Turnover lost b/c of personal foul penalty (fumble recovery)
Major turnover lost Griffin drops ball that hits him right in the chest.

Add Zorn's questionable and predictable calls at times and you have what you have.
Goes back to the discussion in the Sellers re-signing thread Mike. It's true that Sellers is a great blocker. But that better be enough, because given the chance to be more than that, he's as likely to disappoint you as save the day.

If you're talking running the ball, I agree.
But on Teams and when he runs those plays out of the flat (see 2005) the guy can be pretty amazing.

But one must wonder this about Red Zone passing and the Skins.
1. Why isn't the ball going to our most reliable pass catchers this season (Cooley, ARE)? Why is it going to other guys like Sellers, Moss and Thomas?
2. Why won't Zorn throw a fade pattern using either Kelly, Mitchell or both? Gibbs himself said that when he was scouting Campbell as a potential draftee that Campbell threw an amazing fade.
3. Where's Sleepy or Yoder? both of these guys could sneak around the back of the end zone and make a play.
If I had not seen Mitchell catch that fade in the End Zone from Daniel in pre-season I would swear that Zorn doesn't have one in the playbook. It should be SOP from the range we had the ball those three times in the Red Zone today. Not seeing it called even once, ever, with Jason under center would seem to indicate that maybe Zorn doesn't think he can throw it.
bulldog, sellers drops one TD pass and he should "shut his mouth and stick to blocking"? wow man..thats way over the top

Mike, I like Sellers. When he is playing w/ hunger, he is awesome, a great blocker and he proved in one season with 6 TD's he can catch the ball. But when I was at the training camp practices this summer, I was concerned about Sellers. He wasn't hungry, he was always clowning around, and when a couple of passes were thrown his way, he dropped them.

I have always been a proponent of, 'how you practice is how you play' and as I look back at the summer practices I wonder how well this team is coached. The practices showed very little discipline and order.

I agree with one thing Bulldog said, Sellers needs to shut his mouth and play! Let his hard hits and good play do the talking, quit being a clown and get serious.
Mike, I like Sellers-he's excellent at blocking and a known factor in that area. I'm glad he got the extension. But he does show weaknesses-as does every player in the NFL-simply pointing them out is not an all out attack on him nor is it a statement of "he's no good". Things are never all one way or all the other when talking about a player or even the team as a whole.

I, for example, believe the Skins haven't come close to playing at the potential they have in terms of talent even with things like OL depth questions and mistakes on the field and in play calling. Talent wise the Skins are a good three tds better than the Rams but the barely escaped with a two point win. There are reasons this happened and it's mandatory that they be discussed and brought out in the open or any chance for improvement simply doesn't exist. Even though Zorn's demonstrating what I call gross incompetence as a head coach it's not entirely his fault. He jumped from QB coach at Seattle to OC and then a few weeks later HC of the Skins. He wasn't ready-and still isn't-this isn't something you acquire in on-the-job-training. I see him as more as a victim of an idiot control-freak owner (and his henchman VC). Actually I kinda feel sorry for the guy.

I want the Skins to win but if they don't do as well as the talent they have indicate they should, I think a fan is duty bound to point out where miskates were made and do so consistently. Maybe if enough "squeaky wheels" make enough noise it will annoy the organization enough to do something about it.
Here's what I pray is going on in Danny's head right now

From the way things look, business-wise, the danny has about one, maybe two more years of arse's in seats. Redskins arse's anyway. He can always get fans from Filthy or other teams to show up and fill at least half the stadium. After those two years, we're possibly looking at blackouts, which may be a merciful thing.

Right now, I pray the danny is asking around and looking at GM candidates. Hell, Ron Wolf is sitting right over in Baltimore in retirement. I'm sure if the danny throws enough money at him, he would at least consult on who he thinks would be a good GM, or maybe even take the job himself. While having talks with potential candidates, the danny needs to ask the new consultant/GM about hiring one of the established coaches out there. With this bunch, we need someone established that will command instant respect. Won't hurt the have a ring or two on their fingers either. At thispoint I really don't care who it is, as long as they can run a football team. It's a sad day when Norv Turner is looking like a pro coach compared to our situation.

Once this season is over, Vinny goes to the used car lot or sideline reporter job on one of the danny's crappy radio stations. This needs to happens no more than 30 seconds after we lose to San Diego. Zorn goes with him. The team is introducted to the new GM before they put away the jocks. Danny then leaves the locker room, never to return. He then converts his abandoned Six Flags park into the dannyland office complex and watches all games from there with Tom Cruise.
If I had not seen Mitchell catch that fade in the End Zone from Daniel in pre-season I would swear that Zorn doesn't have one in the playbook. It should be SOP from the range we had the ball those three times in the Red Zone today. Not seeing it called even once, ever, with Jason under center would seem to indicate that maybe Zorn doesn't think he can throw it.

jason doesn't have the touch to throw the fade. i think it was Om who brought this up previously. colt, chase and jason even had a challenge in training camp - who could drain the most footballs in a trash can situated in the corner of the end zone. brennan won.
jason doesn't have the touch to throw the fade. i think it was Om who brought this up previously. colt, chase and jason even had a challenge in training camp - who could drain the most footballs in a trash can situated in the corner of the end zone. brennan won.

This is most telling when Campbell is asked about the fade in post game interviews... He says its coming and sort of intimates that its Kelly's fault from being behind... THAT pisses me off but I'm hoping I read it the wrong way. All the long balls and touch balls fail for him and he needs to take responsibility. He had Kelly for maybe even a TD on the first play of the game if thrown well.

We saw some good things, today:

*Jason Campbell yelling at Stephon "Doughboy" Heyer on the field during the game WAS a good thing...
*Campbell in the shotgun more WAS a good thing....
*Throwing passes to someone other than Moss and Cooley (even though they failed for the most part) WAS a good thing....
*Kelly becoming part of the offense WAS a good thing...
*Sonny calling out Zorn and Zorn having a little bit of accountability WAS a good thing.
*Getting affirmation that when protected reasonably well, Campbell can have some success WAS a good thing...
*Mike Sellars getting humbled by making a huge mistake WAS a good thing...
*Getting confirmation that this really is on Zorn and Company's shoulders IS the best thing. He likes to throw a lot of blame around, his offensive playcalling IS NOW KNOWN TO BE A HUGE PROBLEM, its not rumor, speculation or hearsay. And that my friends is a GOOD THING!

I'll always love this team, but its hard to spend the amount of time and money I used to and very, very hard to make keeping up with them everyday a priority like it has been in the past. I suffered through a questionable internet connection, a slingbox from an employer who doesn't understand not using his TV at home (to watch the Panthers) while I'm watching the skins ;) and god knows how many arbitrary FF moments while watching online and I'm still here.

Keep your chins up fellow fans, the win was a good thing, it keeps it positive even though there are some glaring problems with this team from the bottom all the way to the top.
jason doesn't have the touch to throw the fade. i think it was Om who brought this up previously. colt, chase and jason even had a challenge in training camp - who could drain the most footballs in a trash can situated in the corner of the end zone. brennan won.

Gibbs thought he could throw it.
I didn't boo yesterday, but understand why others did. After the game heard Moss made the comment we can only do what we're allowed to do. This worries me.

Is Zorn in danger of losing the locker room or did he ever have it? When will the D start to resent the lack of offensive production?

I am a major homer, but today doesn't feel like a W. Today worried about this team having a major implosion if things don't pick up.
But one must wonder this about Red Zone passing and the Skins.
1. Why isn't the ball going to our most reliable pass catchers this season (Cooley, ARE)? Why is it going to other guys like Sellers, Moss and Thomas?
2. Why won't Zorn throw a fade pattern using either Kelly, Mitchell or both? Gibbs himself said that when he was scouting Campbell as a potential draftee that Campbell threw an amazing fade.
3. Where's Sleepy or Yoder? both of these guys could sneak around the back of the end zone and make a play.
I think this is an indictment of Zorn's inexperience as a playcaller and manager of personnel. It may also be yet another indicator of his lack of confidence in JC and/or the OL. However, as I said last week, good leaders let their people prove who and what they're capable of, good or bad. More than anything, that's the biggest problem I have with what him and it's why he's lost me. If he hasn't already, I don't think it's long before he loses the team as well.

OTOH as Bulldog pointed out, I think JC showed a lot yesterday. He really has grown a good bit since last season. He still holds the ball too long and isn't as accurate as I'd like, but he's definitely made some strides. Now, do I think JC is ever going to be capable of taking a team on his back and going deep into the paloffs or to a SB? Probably not. I just don't think he's "that guy". However, I think he is a guy we could consistently win 10 or 11 games with, given the right play calling and an OL. Unfortunately, we won't find out until he goes elsewhere what he's really capable of because we don't have the play calling or a reasonably decent OL in place around him.

Since I don't think JC is a guy you can win a SB with, I'm not going to be all that bothered when he's shown the door at the end of the season. Obviously since he's lost me, that goes even more so for Zorn.

Zorn is a great guy but he needs more time to learn before he's ready to be a HC. He might have been able to muddle through until he grew into the job if he'd been hired by a team with an established system and culture to support him, say Pittsburgh for example. Putting a green as grass coach into a dysfunctional organization like ours was a recipe for disaster. In retrospect, we were probably just lucky to get to .500 last year.

This team has enough talent on the defense and in spots on the offense to win. If Shanahan or whomever else comes in and rebuilds the OL and finds a decent QB, we're a lock for the paloffs. Let's just hope that if it is Shanahan (who's my personal favorite for the job) he's not given control over personnel.

Speaking of which, I think Cerrato has done a pretty decent job after being given control. I give much of the credit for that to M. Brown and S. Campbell so if Vinny does get the axe along with Zorn and JC, I hope we promote one, or better, both of these guys to keep them in-house as long as possible.

The return of homer; a link for those with no t.v. coverage
That's funny brandies. That's exactly the "Homer" I was thinking of as well. :)

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