my generation with the Beatles, Stones, Hendrix, Clapton, Led Zep.....etc.
Our parents absolutely
hated them.
Every generation is bored by it's parents music.
And the previous generation hates the music the kids love.
I guess I'm weird though, I still like my generation's music, plus the music of the 1980s and 1990s, plus hip-hop, plus reggae, plus metal, plus alternative, plus classical and jazz and even opera-the list goes on and on...
And this year especially Gangam Style-the most fun music vid I've seen in quite a while.
I do relate, however, in finding most "boy bands", plus Bieber, plus musical insipidness like Carly Rae Jepson nearly unendurable. I watched the entire American Music Awards because I waited for PSY's performance and was eye-poppingly astonished at how boring the music seemed. (Props to 'em for Linkin Park's award tho'-but where the hell was Florence and the Machine, fer Chrissakes?!?)