The A Team


If you have a problem

If no one else can help

And if you can find them

Maybe you can hire...............

I heard Mr.T tried out for the role of B.A. and was told "No Thank You." Aint that a kick in the nuts? But I dont blame them!!
This movie looks pretty awful, but I'm sure I'll go see it just for the memories. I mean, he's in a tank, shooting at airplanes during a free-fall. D'oh. I'm also skeptical about Rampage as B.A., but maybe he'll surprise us?
I can't imagine anyone but Mr T playing that part, but the man is 58 years old.
Four out of five Iraqi thumbs up.

Yeah, it was over the top in some places, but every movie with a gun is nowadays.

Liam Neeson did good as Hannibal

Rampage was as good as you could get without being Mr T

The guy that played Murdock was good too

The only one that didn't sell me was the guy playing Face. Like Mr T, there is only one Dirk Benedict. He has those smarmy Harrison Ford type face contortions that the new guy didn't pull off.

But like I, it was a fun movie. Worth the time and money. ANd it actually had a plot
I don't think anyone is comparing Mr T to Charlton Heston. But both he and Benedict brougt certain personalities to the show

I'm just glad they didn't do the typical Hollywood thing, turn Mr T gay or make Face a woman
Just out of curiosity, when has this happened in a movie remake?

I thought he was talking about the general portrayal of men in movies today. :daisy: When did men stop being men? :cowboy: And yes Jamie, women belong in the kitchen and they should be barefoot while in there! :movefast:

No doubt they take liberties and twist plots - I was looking for specific examples of making a guy a girl or gay. I don't recall anything like that, unless you count making Frodo and Sam all fruity in Return of the King.

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