Thanks to the owners/mods


The thanks have been showing up throughout the many threads/conversations, I thought it was worth consolidating it.

You guys spent money to make the upgrade happen, and even more valuable you spent a lot of time. Some of you spent a lot of time. The site looks great. I've seen quite a few fan forum sites across different sports and areas and this manages to provide tons of content in a clean way. It also has features (like the blogs and arcade) you just don't see at many watering holes.

So thank you all very much for the months worth of work spent on the project. It really looks great.

I concur. Many thanks indeed for putting forth what must have been an Olympic-class effort to produce an improvement over something that started out good to begin with.
Agree completely. You guys are amazing. I can not believe the level of discourse and conversation we (mostly) are able to sustain, thanks to your efforts, and you reward us with a brand new home that effing ROCKS.

Thank you, so, SO much.
The upgrade is truly an upgrade.
I visited that other Redskins' site, and they attempted to do some sort of upgrade, but their new look is BLECH.
The guys runnin the show over here, really know what they're doing.
Sincere thanks, you magnificent bastiges. We wouldn't be doing this if you guys didn't reward the effort with class.

Now get back to posting. :scholar:
The upgrade is truly an upgrade.
I visited that other Redskins' site, and they attempted to do some sort of upgrade, but their new look is BLECH.
The guys runnin the show over here, really know what they're doing.

The truth times ten!

But to be fair, independent sites will always be better than the team-produced product. That's true in any sport and when the fans put together a forum that everyone can take pride in, the better it will be. It's interesting to see what the team is doing with that forum. I shudder to think what other "upgrades" they will do in the future.

Here, you can see that this is a great format and it will be 100% better than what we had just a week ago - once all the glitches are worked out. I don't think anyone expected a completely smooth transition, but this place is still awesome because of the people.
I cant echo the sentiment enough. Everything from the upgrade to the daily interactions, the team at BGO is second to none. I feel truly blessed to be here benefiting from all of the awesome work you do on our behalf.
Count me in on this brown-nosing bandwagon ;)

Totally kidding.

I always like to give kudos where I feel kudos is deserved and I definitely think it's deserved in this case.

Seriously, thank you for all the hard work and attention to detail you put into this site. It's my go-to Redskins site now days for detailed information regarding my team and the NFL in general...and of course for laughs in the PA :)
As someone who gets to peek behind the curtain I can tell you the amount of work these guys put forth, on their own time and largely their own dime, is immense. I take absolutely no credit other than for the occassional 'yeah that looks good,' so let me tip my hat to the owners for doing some serious heavy lifting and hair-pulling over the past few months.

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