Thank You Washington Redskins


Super Bowl MVP
Apr 1, 2011
Reaction score
Virginia Beach, VA
Military Branch
I couldn't be more proud of what are guys accomplished this season. You have given us enough hope for the future to last for a decade. You showed everybody you have what it takes to make some noise in this league, and you have given us something to cheer for once again.

It has been an amazing year, and I look forward to many more amazing seasons to come.

Thank you for the ride :clap:
Hear, hear! What a great effing season, total blast!

Thank you too Boone, Neo, Henry and Om for running the best damned Skins message board online. You guys rock, and made this season SO much more enjoyable.

Great season, and we're just getting started. We'll get those Seahawks back. I have no doubt.

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Couldn't agree more.
The future is very bright...
Appreciate all you guys who make this place a wonderful internet watering hole to gather around. Disappointing finish to an incredible, wonderful season. This is just the first chapter in a long book yet to be written.
This loss sucks bad but couldnt agree more with being thankful to the team again. Atleast we're competing, good stuff to come.
Pleasantly surprising season. Excited about next few years if RG3 can stay healthy. I think the idea that this team is as effective with RG3 staying in the pocket throwing has been exposed as a farce. We still have some important missing pieces to become a team like that. Hopefully we can get that done in the offseason.

It was a great feeling to finally win the division after 13 years. They truly did play their guts out these last 8 games.
Couldn't disagree more Philemon :)

This game didn't show that Griffin couldn't be effective throwing from the pocket because Griffin couldn't plant and throw the ball because of the knee. That type of injury dogged Ben Roethlisberger last year and lead him to one of his worst seasons.

And nobody is going to say that over the past 6 or 7 years that Roethlisberger has not been an effective drop back passer in the NFL.

You can also add in that a requirement for a more traditional passing attack revolves around getting better quality offensive linemen who can be better in pass pro.

While Williams is solid in pass pro, the RT and OC/LG positions are an achilles heel. These players get pushed back on a regular basis.

Don't blame Griffin for the fact the team is still trying to develop a complete supporting cast.
Fun year. I think the exciting seasons for the Redskins has just begun. Make a few more acquisitions and get everyone healthy and we are in for some real fun. Enjoyed this Board. This forum made it even more enjoyable.
The blind squirrel found his 10-6 this year, great season.
To bad it couldn't continue further.
Proud of the boys.
You can also add in that a requirement for a more traditional passing attack revolves around getting better quality offensive linemen who can be better in pass pro.

While Williams is solid in pass pro, the RT and OC/LG positions are an achilles heel. These players get pushed back on a regular basis.

Don't blame Griffin for the fact the team is still trying to develop a complete supporting cast.
Maybe we are on the same page... I was trying to make the point that with our current team we are not effective using RG3 as a pocket passer. That's why I mentioned we have some pieces to add if we're going to be *that* team. I agree we need upgrades in the O-line. I also think our receiver corps is less than adequate. Hankerson is no better than 50-50. I'd get rid of him for sure.
I couldn't be more proud of what are guys accomplished this season. You have given us enough hope for the future to last for a decade. You showed everybody you have what it takes to make some noise in this league, and you have given us something to cheer for once again.

It has been an amazing year, and I look forward to many more amazing seasons to come.

Thank you for the ride :clap:
^^This. For the first time since Gibbs 2.0 we saw a Skins team go out and consistently overachieve. I'm definitely looking forward to the future of this franchise in a way I haven't for quite some time. Thanks for a hell of a season guys!

Hear, hear! What a great effing season, total blast!

Thank you too Boone, Neo, Henry and Om for running the best damned Skins message board online. You guys rock, and made this season SO much more enjoyable.

...and especially this.^^ :notworthy: :chestram2:
You know what the best part was? We did it through talent this time, and not pure luck. We had so much go against us all year, and look what we accomplished. Loss or not, nobody can bring me down from the high of this season. Such a great feeling, and knowing we're on the upswing makes it even better.

I can't wait to see this team healthy and with more pieces.
I am so angry about Rg3 right now that its hard to remember what I said last night. but in the end, this team showed guts and heart, it showed that several of them have no quit. we have some serious holes but now we have a chance to fill those holes. this offseason will be massive.
Yea, DEFENSE deserves great credit - not only for the past 8 games - but tonite, they LITERALLY did not give up until the last second, and did their best to get the ball back in Cousins' hands
Thank you for putting this thread up cause I'm not even gonna read any of the others for days, maybe weeks, maybe... just maybe even longer.

Great run boys... great run. Team played 4-5 games better than I thought they had in them and had a legitimate shot at winning our first home playoff game in 13 yrs.

I hope Robert isn't injured long term and that we can build on this next year. I like what "Ribeye" brought to the OL in the last couple of games and look forward to him and guys like Crawford continuing to get better.

Hopefully, with a little playoff momentum we become a place that free agents covet for other reasons than the ridiculous money that used to get thrown around.

I'd like to thank all of the players but especially guys like Bowen, Doughty and London Fletcher for simply giving it their absolute best. That best may not be good enough anymore but they gave everything they had and that just means so much. Bowen playing injured of course.

I'd like to see Hall gone I simply don't like the aura that he brings to the team. Thought the same of Landry no matter how he plays for the rest of his career.

SeaHawks have good personnel and a more complete team, we rely far too much on one or two players. Hopefully we can address that to some degree in this offseason that seems all the much brighter than the last several to a dozen in my memory.

Good season yall, been a real pleasure, I spend way too much time and get way too involved with this team, it'll be nice to take a break for a while.

Happy New Year.


PS: Oh yeah and props to the crowd last week and this week. Except for the aholes that scream when our offense is waving them off. Nice job!

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