Talking Bigfoot

Fear The Spear

The Legend
Sep 28, 2010
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BGO's Official Resident "Tech Dummy"
Watching a 2 Hour Special on Animal Planet right now, hosted by Bigfoot nuts trying to convince society this Sasquatch is real - while the only significant evidence in the last 200 years is the famous video footage taken in 1967.

They point out that this video shows proof that it cannot possibly be a man in a suit, based on the fact that you can "see it's muscles moving and fingers moving as it walks" which would not be visible if it was a man in a suit.

Really ?

The video was taken about 100 yards away, with a crappy 1967 camera, completely grainy, blurry picture, probably due in part due to the film is now over 40 years old, and the body of the supposed sasquatch has layers and layers of hair/fur covering it's calf muscles, etc.

And you're trying to tell me that will all those obstacles blurring and inhibiting your view, you can make out calf muscles and fingers moving ?!?! No way in hell !! I can't certainly don't see anything remotely close to muscles or fingers moving from those camera shots. Funny how they don't use the John Madden chalkboard to circle these movements on the screen.

This show is so ridiculous. And so are the believers. They will use practically anything as evidence to twist it around, to make it look like Sasquatch exists. Does anyone here actually believe them ?
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Bigfoot is one of those things like Nessie that I have not really formed an opinion on. I don't believe any of the evidence presented for the existence of either one, but I do see how it is totally plausible how at least one of the two could possibly exist. I'm just not convinced yet. Not a believer, but not a doubter either.

Then again, I believe aliens exist, so what do I know? :laugh: At least I don't believe in ghosts.
Then again, I believe aliens exist, so what do I know? :laugh: At least I don't believe in ghosts.

Actually, that same channel - Animal Planet - has a program on ghosts that's very convincing - so you should watch it.

I think it's just called The Haunted. But it's a reality show, where they send specialists to people's homes who are being consistently tormented by spirits, and need a specialist to rid the home of it. So, it's not a cult-like group of nuts, like these Bigfoot followers who even give themselves a name - "Squatchers" LOL

So, because of the fact these people are constantly terrorized by "ghosts" in these homes, it's not as much a "hit or miss" type search, like the other shows looking for BigFoot, etc. It's such a consistent problem, that when the video/audio equipment to arrive at the location, the evidence is still there, so it's caught on tape, and pretty convincing.
You might want to watch some of the other shows concerning big foot before you base your opinion on one show. I've seen the show you speak of, and they used some pretty solid science to draw their conclusions on the old film.

Don't remember the name of the series that is all about a group hunting bigfoot. For many years, bigfoot had been compared to a gibbon due to the vocalizations witnesses describe. The hunters mimic primate vocalizations, and often get responses. There also using high end electronics in their search.

I have no doubt the creature is real. If fish that were thought to be extinct for a million years can show up, bigfoot isn't out of the scope of reality.
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Actually, that same channel - Animal Planet - has a program on ghosts that's very convincing - so you should watch it.

I think it's just called The Haunted. But it's a reality show, where they send specialists to people's homes who are being consistently tormented by spirits, and need a specialist to rid the home of it.
There is no ghost show even remotely convincing, because every technique is some oddball theory some random person came up with. I mean really, geiger counters, dousing rods, etc? Nothing is a bigger joke than ghost hunting, or attempting to prove ghosts are real. Not to mention it is all done for tv. The fact every noise, action, etc. happens juuuuuuuust off camera, gives more credence to the fraud involved.

So, because of the fact these people are constantly terrorized by "ghosts" in these homes, it's not as much a "hit or miss" type search, like the other shows looking for BigFoot, etc. It's such a consistent problem, that when the video/audio equipment to arrive at the location, the evidence is still there, so it's caught on tape, and pretty convincing.
No ghost has ever been caught on tape. Everyone who allegedly caught one on tape had their videos debunked as forgery, or something other than a ghost.

You apparently buy into the hype as badly as my wife does, she believes all that fake ghost ****. Oddly enough, she tries to joke me for believing aliens exist, when she's convinced ghosts are real. Scientifically, it is way more plausible that we are not alone in the universe than it is that ghosts are walking around.

The first thing that ever made me realize ghosts were bs when I was a kid, was the fact that they were always clothed. Last time I checked, clothes don't die, so all ghosts should be naked. People try to say it's because it's in the image of the person or whatever, but there is no scientific reason why any logically thinking adult should believe in ghosts. Everything has an explanation. I lived in a weird ass house as a kid that we got cheap, because people said it was haunted. It was even the cliche "built on a graveyard." Granted, really weird **** and noises happened constantly, and people were terrified to spend the night, but things make noises. Some stuff I couldn't explain away as wind, movement, etc., but it doesn't mean ghost either. I believe there are some energies and such out there, but it doesn't make it a ghost. When you're dead, you're dead. I would love to believe in an afterlife, but I just don't think that's a realistic thing to look forward to.

You should should friend me on facebook and interview some of my friends about my old house. If you're into ghosts, they could give you a whole book of crazy ass stories. People were terrified of that house, it was a riot.
Well they took it a step further than the meters, and actually had audio recordings of the voices they heard. You can hear the voices on the broadcast, and they play it back a couple times. It's just a question whether those sounds have been fabricated. It's hard to tell.
The recording of ghostly voices are captured with the use of a "white noise" filter. I've heard a number of the recording from a number of sites. Pretty freaky stuff.

After having to convoless from four different surgeries this year, I spent a lot of time watching stuff on ghost abd bigfoot hunting.
Finding Bigfoot series

They have a lot of videos at this link.

As for the ghost hunting.... inferred camera, sound recordings with the filtering, and a directional digital thermometer is all you really need. There's a few sites here in Fl I'd like to steak out, but never seem to find the time. I've been intrigued by ghost hunting since I had the crap scared out of me in a buddies house at the age of 18.
Here's some things I want to know about Bigfoot.
If there's so many Bigfoots, like this Bigfoot Cult suggests, then why havn't any of these ever happened ?

1) Why hasn't one ever tried to cross a road from a wooded area, and been struck by a car, like just about EVERY OTHER wild animal that lives in wooded areas, with a nearby road ?

2) Why havn't we ever found the carcass of a DEAD Bigfoot ?

3) With all these eyewitness accounts, why hasn't anyone ever been attacked by one ? From the descriptions of their accounts, they seem just as dangerous as a bear, so I would expect one to attack a human, if it feels threatened by the close proximities of those encounters.

Miles - you gotta tell us your ghost experience after that brief mention.
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Here's some things I want to know about Bigfoot.
If there's so many Bigfoots, like this Bigfoot Cult suggests, then why hasn't these ever happened ?

1) Why hasn't one ever tried to cross a road from a wooded area, and been struck by a car, like just about EVERY OTHER wild animal that lives in wooded areas, with a nearby road ?

2) Why havn't we ever found the carcass of a DEAD Bigfoot ?

3) With all these eyewitness accounts, why hasn't anyone ever been attacked by one ? From the descriptions of their accounts, they seem just as dangerous as a bear, so I would expect one to attack a human, if it feels threatened by the close proximities of those encounters.

Miles - you gotta tell us your ghost experience after that brief mention.

1)There have actually been close calls with vehicles, but think about it. If a dog can learn to avoid being hit, then an animal with the ability to reason on a primates level such as a chimp or great ape should be able to avoid a moving vehicle. Also with the stride the mature animals are said to have, they can cross great distances very quickly. Speed and smarts... maybe we can train them to play football.

2) There is one guy in the Folk Arkansas area if I remember correctly that has the remains of a creature. I think as recent as a years ago scientists were trying to get permission to do some real examination on them. One show keyed in on how long it takes a carcass to deteriorate in the wild. I was amazed to see just how fast, with the use of time laps, a full size deer was non-distinguishable. Also, your dealing with an animal that is generally reclusive, with a huge range on which it travels. In all my years (20+) of hunting, I've only found one deer antler, and never a skull or bone, and god knows how many deer are out there.

3) Back to Fulk Arkansas, there was one reported attack with the animal trying to get at a person in a cabin. On one of the shows I watched this year, there was also an instance of an animal trying to get into a house in a remote area. There was a resent incident where an animal left a smudged hand print on the sliding glass door of a home in Ga. Again, your dealing with an intelligent animal, but normally classified as reclusive, and generally evades contact with humans. A bear is carnivorous, and an aggressive animal. Most of the reports I've seen have the animal either freezing in it's track to attempt being undetected until it accessed the situation, or just runs off. Again, it goes back to this being a far more intellegent animal then a bear.

Sorry, there isn't any solid proof to date, meaning an animal has yet to be captured or killed. There are sightings all the time, and fresh tracks being found. Some of the more resent casts taken actually show dermal ridges, which is common to primates. You're not going to fake those with any type of easy.

Did I mention that I've also been into bigfoot research since I was about 11 when I saw the movie Legend of Boggy Creek. Kind of a B rate docu-drama, but it caught my interest.

As for the scare I got.... I was going over to a school buddies house to pick him up. He lived in the old sandstone house, known as the Salyer house. His dad worked for the water company which owned the house, so they got to live in the house for greatly reduced rent. Anyhow, I got there, and Robert was doing the dishes, and invited me in while he finished. I had never been in the house, but knew it well, as I would fish across the street, and slay ride at the golf course in the winters as a kid.

I sat on the couch in the living room and started to read the local paper when I heard somebody thumping around upstairs. I knew his parents were away, and his older brother away at college. I just figured it was his sister Barb. "Hey Rob, I didn't know Barb was home, can I go up stairs to say hellow." He polked his head out of the kitchen and said she's not home. "Rob, I just heard her walkin around upstairs." He looked in, and said again "she's not home." "Stop screwing with me, somebody is upstairs, I just heard a door close." "Pete, it's Harvey our ghost." At that point, I called BS knowing it was Barb, and they were setting me up. "I'm going upstairs I shouted", and off I went.

I fully expected Barb to jump out at me, and I looked in every room, including the closets, and under beds. As I had just about made it back to the stairs fairly confused, I felt a cold rush, and the bedroom door nearest to me slammed closed. I don't think I even touched a stair, and was out the door and into my car in less then 20 seconds. Fired it up, and off I went. Went to the local watering hole, and as I walked in, there was Barb sitting at the bar. As I walked up to her, she asked me where Robert was. I just stared at her, and then she said, Oh... you must have met Harvey. She explained that from time to time, a ghost makes themselves known in the upstairs rooms of the house. Normally when there's a guest in the house, but not with all visitors.

I have an Aunt, Dottie, and as a little kid she told me there was something special about me, and certain things would be attracted to me. She told me she would teach me when I was a bit older. She scared the piss out of my sisters one morning when I was about 5. She lived two doors down from Papa's house, and we had just gotten back from church. We ran to Aunt Dotti's to walk her back to Papas house. She wasn't ready to leave, and while in the other room, my two sisters started horsing around. One slammed the other into what we knew at the "console table" which was a huge old oak table up against the wall. When Rosey hit it, it moved about a foot, and a framed picture fell, and the glass broke. My sisters sprinted onto the couch, and when our Aunt came in, they blamed it on me.

My Aunt sat in a chair, and called me over to sit on her lap. She said that she saw my sisters do it, but was down the hall when it happened, so she couldn't have. She said to my sisters that they needed to stop blaming me for all the things they do wrong. She was hugging me, and glared at my sisters, then looked at the table for a few seconds. Suddenly, the big ol table started to shutter, and moved back into it's original place. My sisters started freaking out, and she whispered to me not to be afraid. She told them loudly, to get a dust pan, and clean up the glass, and that she would be watching them from now on. Once they cleaned up, they ran to Papas house. My father returned a few minutes later, had words with his sister, and dragged me out the door. We were never allowed to be alone with her again. We moved from the Bronx two years later, so contact with her became very limited. She became reclusive, and would up in a state hospital in her late years.

When I was in my 20's my dad told me that she had been doing stuff like that since she was little kid, and the family didn't speak of it. Aunt Dotti had telekinetic, and psychic powers. She was child of nature, into self healing, astrology, and truly wonderful person. She was an amazing artist, and crafts person. 200 years ago, she would have been called a which, and some in the old neighborhood feared her from what my dad told me.

I've had a few encounters with spirits over the years, and I guess that's what she was talking about. I generally don't speak about them because people arent open to things they don't understand or believe in such as ghosts.
Here's some things I want to know about Bigfoot.
If there's so many Bigfoots, like this Bigfoot Cult suggests, then why havn't any of these ever happened ?

1) Why hasn't one ever tried to cross a road from a wooded area, and been struck by a car, like just about EVERY OTHER wild animal that lives in wooded areas, with a nearby road ?

2) Why havn't we ever found the carcass of a DEAD Bigfoot ?

3) With all these eyewitness accounts, why hasn't anyone ever been attacked by one ? From the descriptions of their accounts, they seem just as dangerous as a bear, so I would expect one to attack a human, if it feels threatened by the close proximities of those encounters.

Miles - you gotta tell us your ghost experience after that brief mention.
The simple answer is pretty simple. There are millions of acres of forest in the United States. There is far more forest than there is open land. That means in our country, you are more likely to get lost in the woods than you are to get lost while driving. More than 80% of the united States is forest, you know ;)

With all that in mind, it actually seems to me like it would be pretty damn impossible to just run across one, especially if they have mental cognition anywhere near a high level where they have learned to avoid people.

You bring up deer, bears, etc., but the reason those are seen all the time is for two reasons. First, there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of the animals you listed. I have never heard a figure for sasquatch of more than 100. Secondly, the animals you listed are always actively wandering into populated areas, rather than avoiding them at all cost.

Now let me ask you something....with all of the new species discovered every year, and the fact that animals that were once thought to be extinct sometimes turn out not to be, how can you be so certain bigfoot isn't real? ESPECIALLY when you believe in ghosts :D
The coelocanth is the Tom Brady argument. It's an incredibly rare exception (finding animals thought to be extinct for millenia).

And the forest argument sounds good, except that compared to the vastness of the oceans might as well be Times Square - so an species going undetected there is far more probably than in American forests (whether we have a lot of them or not).

I'm not sure that the more intelligent an animal is, the more he'd avoid man. We haven't seen that typically in nature. In fact, I think you could argue just as effectively the other way. The highway argument alone is a powerful one. Dogs are hit by cars all the time. Name an animal of any significant size that hasn't been struck by a car and found? Even if there were a very small population, it's not very likely a body wouldn't have turned up by now and conclusively been shown to be a different species.

The biggest reason to be skeptical about any of these things is that we want to believe in them. As soon as that's the case, you can throw most 'science' out the window. Because the desire to believe is so powerful, its nearly impossible to convince someone based on evidence alone. I don't know what Pete saw as a kid, but I know that imagination and belief in magical things is so strong, you will never convince him he didn't see what he believes he saw.

And I'm not saying he didn't see those things, or that Bigfoot is a crock. There likely are things out there that I would say aren't really 'supernatural', we just don't yet understand them, or in some cases we're connecting dots that shouldn't be connected, or tend to use emotion and passion to fill in gaps between facts.
I'm not sure that the more intelligent an animal is, the more he'd avoid man. We haven't seen that typically in nature.
Honestly, how can you say that with certainty? We could have a million undiscovered species that are so intelligent that they will avoid detection forever. If a species has been captured, obviously it wasn't intelligent enough to avoid man :)

In fact, I think you could argue just as effectively the other way. The highway argument alone is a powerful one. Dogs are hit by cars all the time. Name an animal of any significant size that hasn't been struck by a car and found? Even if there were a very small population, it's not very likely a body wouldn't have turned up by now and conclusively been shown to be a different species.
Google the Myanmar Snub Nosed Ape. Reports of a mythical creature there - similar to our bigfoot, but smaller, had existed for decades. All of the doubters used the same argument you use about bigfoot, saying that if it had existed, one would have been found. Well, they recently captured and killed one, and it took decades to do so. And Myanmar is not only excessively smaller than we are, it is nearly threee times more densely populated. That means even with everything being in their favor to find one, it still took nearly a century. We have 84 people per square mile, and they have 187. Nearly three times the density, with only 10 of the area to cover, and people act like if bigfoot is real, he'd be easy to capture?

The biggest reason to be skeptical about any of these things is that we want to believe in them. As soon as that's the case, you can throw most 'science' out the window. Because the desire to believe is so powerful, its nearly impossible to convince someone based on evidence alone. I don't know what Pete saw as a kid, but I know that imagination and belief in magical things is so strong, you will never convince him he didn't see what he believes he saw.

And I'm not saying he didn't see those things, or that Bigfoot is a crock. There likely are things out there that I would say aren't really 'supernatural', we just don't yet understand them, or in some cases we're connecting dots that shouldn't be connected, or tend to use emotion and passion to fill in gaps between facts.
This is true. In my heart, there are a lot of things I am certain are BS like ghosts, chupacabra, etc. But there are people that will argue until their head explodes why they believe in them. I am almost the same way with bigfoot and aliens, but because I believe they are by far and away the most plausible things to exist. With all of the ape like creatures running around the planet, there is a high likelihood for a bigfoot like creature to exist. Just like the fact that the universe being so massive makes it very likely we aren't alone. But if people think it's all a joke, no proof would convince them. Some people are such hardcore non believers that you could lay a bigfoot corpse on their porch, and they would say it was an oversized chimp or an emaciated grizzly. People who don't want to be convinced never will be, but there is no right or wrong to this discussion, because nobody has enough evidence to prove either point.
The simple answer is pretty simple. There are millions of acres of forest in the United States. There is far more forest than there is open land. That means in our country, you are more likely to get lost in the woods than you are to get lost while driving. More than 80% of the united States is forest, you know ;)

With all that in mind, it actually seems to me like it would be pretty damn impossible to just run across one, especially if they have mental cognition anywhere near a high level where they have learned to avoid people.

You bring up deer, bears, etc., but the reason those are seen all the time is for two reasons. First, there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of the animals you listed. I have never heard a figure for sasquatch of more than 100. Secondly, the animals you listed are always actively wandering into populated areas, rather than avoiding them at all cost.

Now let me ask you something....with all of the new species discovered every year, and the fact that animals that were once thought to be extinct sometimes turn out not to be, how can you be so certain bigfoot isn't real? ESPECIALLY when you believe in ghosts :D

Well, let me first ask you this (actually turned into 3 questions).

1) Since I watch a lot of real-life crime documentary shows and investigations, I see a LOT of cases where someone is murdered, and the killer goes out of his way to hid the dead body in a shallow grave in some remote area of the forest, for the least chance of the body evidence being found.

Yet, time and time again, these stories include an ending where either a hiker, or a hunter, or park ranger, etc, stumbles across the remains. Again, I see that a lot. So, while you may have a point that a great deal of our land is forest, the above scenarios show that little of it is as "untouched" as we think. People venture across it and through it for various reasons. So obviously, if it occurs so often with human murdered remains, where the bodies are intentionally and aggressively hidden, then I would expect it to happen at least ONCE with a Sasquatch who died of natural causes, or otherwise . I'm just not sure about the "otherwise" part, because I don't know if Bigfoot has any natural predators, besides a human. Like, who would win in a cagematch between a Sasquatch and a Grizzly ? :)

2) Which brings be to another question, tho not relating to proving or disproving their existence. From what I've watched, these Bigfoot searchers have covered areas that is believed to be inhabited by both bears and Bigfoots. Do they believe the 2 get along, or attack each other ?

3) And a third question, why hasn't "science" gotten into this study ? All I hear about is these renegade cults promoting their so-called "Bigfoot evidence".
Meanwhile scientists are going out of their away to discover organisms miles and miles below the ocean's surface that they never knew existed, yet they won't delve into our VERY OWN forests right in our backyard, where the supposed creatures area close enough to have encounters with humans.

I get grief from people all the time, because I believe in "alternative medicine" and usually the people that are against it respond by saying, there is no scientific study, or peer-reviewed study to show that stuff actually works.

So in a similar response, then why isn't there a scientific study, or peer-reviewed study to show that scientists are even attempting to see if this creature exists ? Either because they, along with I, also believe it's just a figment of our imagination, or could it be a cover-up conspiracy ?
Riddle me this: if there are Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) running around the wilderness, then with today's massive deer populations, wouldn't they thrive? They obviously have no natural predators, or we'd likely find remains. The reason the deer population is booming is because all the wolves have been killed off, and we restricted hunting, so they have no predators - also because we continuously cut down their natural habitat to build more and more suburban neighborhoods (why there are mountain lion attacks more and more frequently). All of these things apply to Bigfoot, yet we have no irrefutable proof. Just seems unlikely to me.
Riddle me this: if there are Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) running around the wilderness, then with today's massive deer populations, wouldn't they thrive? They obviously have no natural predators, or we'd likely find remains. The reason the deer population is booming is because all the wolves have been killed off, and we restricted hunting, so they have no predators - also because we continuously cut down their natural habitat to build more and more suburban neighborhoods (why there are mountain lion attacks more and more frequently). All of these things apply to Bigfoot, yet we have no irrefutable proof. Just seems unlikely to me.

Maybe the Bigfoots have adopted China's "One Child Limit" policy :)

Seriously tho, do we know exactly what they eat. I heard they were omnivores, but since people say they're so much like human, so maybe they're picky about what the meat they eat like us, and don't prefer the taste of venison :)
Maybe the Bigfoots have adopted China's "One Child Limit" policy :)

Seriously tho, do we know exactly what they eat. I heard they were omnivores, but since people say they're so much like human, so maybe they're picky about what the meat they eat like us, and don't prefer the taste of venison :)

Who doesn't prefer the taste of venison? Venison is delicious! :)

EDIT: I am assuming they are meat eaters - they may be vegetarians...but it seems unlikely if they are closely related to humans.
Appearantly trailer parks have more encounters with the samsquanch(big foots) than any other sector of society


I'll touch base on a few things... some great counter arguments. We could go back and forth for countless posts.

Yes, dogs do get hit by cars all the time, mainly stray or lost house pets. I've seen many dogs that will avoid the road when cars are coming. People get hit by cars every day too. Again, take a creature with a stealthy nature, that has the intellect of a higher primate. It's easy to stay just off the road till the coast is clear to cross.

Bodies berried in shallow graves will decompose slower then when exposed to the sun, scavengers, and a greater number of insects. Scavengers also tend to scatter the remains. Sure many murdered bodies are recovered, but how many people go missing every day that are never found. I'd venture a guess it a far greater number.

What do large primates live on ? Yes the will eat meat, but generally don't hunt by rule. I believe there has been one documented case of chimps hunting. Even humans are relative new as hunters and meat eating animals. Early man was a gatherer, and a meat eater of opportunity at first, eating what they found.

Boone makes an outstanding point. Many people want to believe in some things so deeply, they see things that my not be there. On the other side of the coin, most people do not believe, and there for not receptive to things that may happen, discounting them as the mind playing tricks on them.

At the age of 5, I believed in what the average little kid did... Santa, the Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy. A ghost was a cartoon named Casper, or something you dressed up on Halloween as. At the age of 5, I didn't know what telekinetic or any other paranormal activity was. I didn't want to see what my sisters and I saw. Why would my father lie to me later in life when questioned about his sister. Why, when a women walked into the office of the shop I ran when I was around 30, that I had never seen in my life before, looked at me and instantly said that I had an unusual energy about me. I found out later that she was a well known psychic.

I never asked for this stuff to happen to me, and that's why I generally don't speak of it.
The only Bigfoot I want to know about!


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