Taking the plunge... my site is live

Awesome stuff, Pete! I don't have any old color photos to colorize, but if I did, you'd be the guy I'd call.
Very nicely done-love the site design. Best of luck with the commercial end of it, you've got the artistic part down nicely already. :thumbsup:
Pete, that is a heckuva site, nicely done! My grandmother has a whole host of old photos she hoards, I may contact her to see if I can pry them away from her. She would love that.
I'm digging all the work you've done, excellent stuff, hope it helps make ya some mint:)
Very cool. I love old photos. If I might offer a suggestion on the site. The URL should go directly to your home page. The affect you have is cool, but doesn't give any indication what your in for. If you want to attract prospective customers, there should be no ambiguity at all. Let your work do the talking. It's quite good.

On your home page, it would be cool if the picture was half black and white and half color, seperated on the diagonal. That would be an instant visual description of what your site is about. (Just found the hover mode. I went to the site 4 or 5 times and never moused over the picture. Needs to be more obvious or have it change ever second by itself)

Also, what services to you provide. Do you only work with already digitized media. Will you take prints or slides and digitize them. I might contact you from a website to have work done, but not to find out what you do. Your site should have that info.
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Very cool. I love old photos. If I might offer a suggestion on the site. The URL should go directly to your home page. The affect you have is cool, but doesn't give any indication what your in for. If you want to attract prospective customers, there should be no ambiguity at all. Let your work do the talking. It's quite good.

On your home page, it would be cool if the picture was half black and white and half color, seperated on the diagonal. That would be an instant visual description of what your site is about. (Just found the hover mode. I went to the site 4 or 5 times and never moused over the picture. Needs to be more obvious or have it change ever second by itself)

Also, what services to you provide. Do you only work with already digitized media. Will you take prints or slides and digitize them. I might contact you from a website to have work done, but not to find out what you do. Your site should have that info.

Great input. Not sure what I can do with the pic on the home page. I can set it up on a diagonal, but can't keep the entire pic as a half and half that changes as far as I know with this software. No sure about an auto cycle for it either. I actually had an info page, and removed it to simplify things. I guess my first impression may have been right. We'll see what we can come up with..
Tha's pretty cool Pete. I may have some business for you if I can get my Mom to part with some photos
I've made a coupe of changes to the site already, but couldn't bring myself to get rid of the start page. Added the rest of the links needed, along with a "how my services work" link.

I think I'll stick with it as is for the time being. I have to work on promoting it now....
Tha's pretty cool Pete. I may have some business for you if I can get my Mom to part with some photos

Ya only need them for an hour or two. Just scan them at the local Wallgreens.
Looking good. Maybe you can have the photo on the home page fade to color after 5 or 10 seconds. Still seems hidden having to hover on it. Info page is good. Not sure on using actual business names. Might not be legally kosher.
Looking good. Maybe you can have the photo on the home page fade to color after 5 or 10 seconds. Still seems hidden having to hover on it. Info page is good. Not sure on using actual business names. Might not be legally kosher.

Not sure about the names either, but I'll take my chances for the moment. I repositioned the enter page so when you click to enter, in most cases you're cursor is over the pic on the home page. Once you move the cursor, it goes black and white. Can't do much more with this soft ware.

If I'm making any money a year from now, I'll look into a better software package.
My only suggestion on the website would be to have all the pictures in your galleries have the 'hover' feature, to see the transformation from b&w photo to color.
My only suggestion on the website would be to have all the pictures in your galleries have the 'hover' feature, to see the transformation from b&w photo to color.

I had tried an album like that, but it gave me big problems with the enlargement. I can try it with individual photos as I have on the home page, but It may mean loosing the frames. I'll play a little with it, but really like the frames.

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