Sympathy from Strange Places


The Owner's Favorite
Jun 30, 2009
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Raleigh, NC
Alma Mater
I happened to be digging around and, as I sometimes do, I was perusing other teams fan message boards. I happened across a Green Bay Packers fan board called What was interesting was a thread they have going where they're comparing the Packers under GM Ted Thompson to the Redskins under Snyder-seriously, and to my surprise came posts of sympathy and insight into the Skins situation that I wasn't expecting, at least not from another team's fans-a sample:

This from a poster called Jim T.

Snyder will never be successful in D.C. until he does what Bob Harlan did when he became President of the Packers. First is to admit he doesn't know how to run the personnel side of the team. He needs to hire a strong GM, give him the keys, and stand back and don't interfere with the GM.

Second ties into the first, he has to realize it can take 3 to 4 years to field a solid team. He needs to develop some consistency and not fire coaches after one or two years. It's probably too late to save Zorn.

Finally there is nothing wrong with bringing in good free agents at all. The only problem I see with continually bringing in high priced free agents is the superstar effect. Each high priced guy that comes in thinks he's the man and it's his team. You can only have so many of that type of personality on any given team. In other words you do have to balance superstar ego and talent with team chemistry. But alot of that should fall back on the GM.

And this from a poster called yooperfan-his spelling isn't that great, but I can't help but admire where his heart is:

like I said dan snyder should be usherd out the door as a owner, I cant believe the redskin fans are putting up with this, or the league for that matter, if there was anyway for the intire league fan base to support the redskin fans, well then I would sure be all for that..throw the bum off the train already uuuuurrrr

Sympathy and understanding-from freakin' Packer fans!

In case you might want to read more:
My wife is from Wisconsin and more married to the Packers than me. If the Skins and Packers both play at 1, we have to switch back and forth for each play. I've seen my fair share of the Packers for a few years now.

I would happily take Ted Thompson over anyone in our organization. The vast majority of that team is homegrown. They have an injured OL much like us, a strong defense like ourselves, and a QB drafted one pick before JC. They have better WRs, but worse RBs.

All of these similarities and many, many millions less spent.
My wife is from Wisconsin and more married to the Packers than me. If the Skins and Packers both play at 1, we have to switch back and forth for each play. I've seen my fair share of the Packers for a few years now.

I would happily take Ted Thompson over anyone in our organization. The vast majority of that team is homegrown. They have an injured OL much like us, a strong defense like ourselves, and a QB drafted one pick before JC. They have better WRs, but worse RBs.

All of these similarities and many, many millions less spent.

Interesting you should say that about Thompson. I logged on to that Packer board to post a thank you for the interest shown in the Skins situation and a reply post suggested that Snyder might consider hiring Thompson.

It would kinda make sense-Thompson was Seattle's VP of Operations while Mike Holmgren was there.:rolleyes2:
That's just depressing. I don't want their sympathy.

I want disdain laced with fear. :)
I want disdain laced with fear. :)

Hold that thought, Henry, it will come in time. The reality now is that first the interferences with team improvement we all know about must be dealt with-and if bad publicity from whatever source helps end this scourge, helps change who's deciding how and by whom the Skins are run-then I say by all means encourage the pressure-be it from other team's fans, the media-especially sources from outside the D.C. metro area. whoever.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.:devilish:
I want teams and fans to say:

"Oh, **** we have to play the Redskins at FedEx this week!!!!!"

I don't want pity.

I have pity for the Browns, Lions and Raider fans out there and used to have pity for Cardinal and Bengal fans.

I don't want opposing team fans to feel sorry for us, I want them to fear us. :frown2:

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