Supplemental Draft Possibilities

Burgundy Burner

The Commissioner
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Oct 1, 2009
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Alma Mater
The news from Ohio St. earlier today could mean that a few players may declare for the supp. draft. Toss in the CB from Florida and it could get a bit interesting. The question for many Redskins would probably center on Terelle Pryor, but I really doubt that the team has any interest in him - but you never know.

If any of the "Ohio St. five" declares, I'd like for us to take a long look at OT Mike Adams. We have an extra 4th and could steal him in that round. Not really interested in Pryor though. The CB from Florida would interest me, but only if he is there in the 7th - the risk/reward could be worth it at that price.

Who would you prefer? Or do you think we should remain on the sidelines?
I was thinking the same thing earlier. Not just from those 5, but what about other players who were recruited by Tressel and don't want their last year in college being a part of a rebuild. Who else on the team would be worthy?

I don't know enough about these players, but if there is an O-lineman who is good enough and we can justify the pick, why wouldn't we take him?
Yes, I think Mike Adams could be a good fit at RT. It all depends on whether the Coaches Shanahan thinks he can be effective in the ZBS and if there is a supp. draft with him declaring.

It sounds like the boom is going to be lowered on Ohio St. Twenty-eight players (and growing it seems) are now implicated. Pryor was driving another car with temp. plates just last night. This is going to get very ugly.
Is there a supplemental draft this year with no CBA?
Is there a supplemental draft this year with no CBA?

My understand from the twitters is that there is not one scheduled right now because no players have declared for the sup draft. But if some players declare, there will be a draft. I don't, however, know what the deadline is.
It was reported a short time ago that Pryor is driving around with a suspended license. Yeah, he and others will declare soon. And the CB from Florida as well. Heck, the entire Ohio St. team may need to declare. LOL!
I might consider parting with a 7th round pick for Pryor but I doubt I'd go higher than that, strictly due to his talent level and not because of any so-called baggage he may have.

The media and the NCAA (Nazi Collegiate Athletic Association) are blowing the whole thing out of proportion. Personally, I don't care if college players trade memorabilia for money or tatoos or cars. As much money as they bring into the universities, I have no problem with them getting some type of reimbursement.

Pryor would have to be an idiot not to declare for the Supplemental Draft now. It's pretty clear he'll never play another down for Ohio State. No sense in transferring when you'd either have to sit out a year (STUPID RULE) or go down a level to play this fall.
No to Pryor.
Didn't think he was that great at Ohio St. and with the recruiting issues....pass.

Was talking to a scout on twitter and suggested that Pryor should go UFL and develop for a future down the road in the NFL. He said that he didn't think Pryor would ever make it in the NFL and that he'll be either in the UFL or pumping gas for a living.

If Adams comes out and the Skins think they have a day 1 starter that fits the ZBS, great. Take him. If they feel that he could be a project, then forget it. Skins are still developing Capers and a few other OTs (Fulton, Oldenburg). Might as well get your starter in FA and keep developing what you already have on the team.

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