Sunday Game Chat


The Commissioner
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
Reaction score
Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
Alma Mater
Although we certainly encourage you guys/gals to use the BGO Chatrooms, if you're interested, will be hosting a chat with yours truly and several other DC sports folks at the link below.

We had a great time last weekend (except for the final few minutes obviously).

One reason we'd encourage you all to participate is that we're looking at this software for possible use here. It's a pretty slick package.

Hope to see some of you there.
I'm committing the ultimate Skins fan sin this weekend. I'll be recording the Skins game so I can watch....Lord help

In my defense, it's my daughter's game, and I haven't seen her play yet. So I'm disappointed to have to watch our boys on DVR, but I'm pumped as a dad.

Oh, and for those of you that have my cell number, no updates please. I'll find you. And when I do....well, we'll probably have a beer or 12. But I'll be ticked off until I get the first two down. :laugh:

I hope to join y'all next week. I haven't participated in a game chat here yet; and I need to correct that. :cheers:
I don't drink beer, so I will send updates when warranted.

ANYONE in Redskins territroy who schedules any kind of event when the Redskins are playing commits the ultimate Skins sin. ANYONE. After the match, tell them of their transgressions. If you are not able to convince them, a casual beating should work. If not, use a gun.
I don't drink beer, so I will send updates when warranted.

ANYONE in Redskins territroy who schedules any kind of event when the Redskins are playing commits the ultimate Skins sin. ANYONE. After the match, tell them of their transgressions. If you are not able to convince them, a casual beating should work. If not, use a gun.


Fortunately, I don't have to worry about texts from you, old man. You can't send them from a pay phone. :laugh: ;)

Seriously though, the soccer game is at 2:30 and lasts about an hour. I think we'll be going somewhere with a TV for lunch...somewhere that's not tuned to the Chuck E. Cheese channel. lol.
Oh, I have the ability to text. I made it cost a fortune to send them - helps to resist that urge to use it too much.

Bah - game doesn't start until 4:15. No biggie.
There are few exceptions to the rule, but that's definitely one of them hog! Now if your gf dragged you to New Orleans and wouldn't leave early enough to come back, like a certain buddy of mine, well...MAN CARD REVOKED!
Oh, alright, twist my arm will ya?

I do love CIL. I've used it both from the admin side and from the basic user side.

Highly recommend it.
There are few exceptions to the rule, but that's definitely one of them hog! Now if your gf dragged you to New Orleans and wouldn't leave early enough to come back, like a certain buddy of mine, well...MAN CARD REVOKED!

There are two girls I'd miss a game for. One is playing tomorrow. The other will be sitting on my lap, watching her sister. That's it.

*Scuse me a second*

That was Laetitia Casta. She wants to see me next Sunday. I told her before 4 or after 8. :)
Hog, enjoy your family, man.

And Latetia Casta.

Just googled as my wife walked by. Thanks for that.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
The BGO chat doesn't work for me with either Firefox or Safari. Therefore I encourage procurement of the new software. :)
Hog, enjoy your family, man.

And Latetia Casta.

Just googled as my wife walked by. Thanks for that.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device

Thank you!

And I'll try to do better at keeping tabs on YOUR wife next time. lol. I think this is our first gameday, "C'mon, man!!!" :laugh:
Hey Boone, is David Aldridge the same DA that used to cover the NBA for ESPN? I really like him a lot, he is one of my favorite writers. I thought he was with TNT or something?
Dunno brother - ask him :) I had some obligations today that kept me from helping out on TBD...
Dunno brother - ask him :) I had some obligations today that kept me from helping out on TBD...

It is him, I looked at his bio with pic. Really like him, strong writer.

So you gonna join us in BGO chat?

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