I'm going to be very careful about this one. Several people here know I follow scientific advances pretty closely, including in medicine, and that I have a very dim view of how both mainstream "journalism" and even "science news" media treat scientific research when it comes to sensationalist reporting and distortion of what's actually been discovered or what the actual conclusions should be. Couple that with the fact that I am particularly leery of trusting publications with a history of sensationalizing science-and HuffPo is one of those-and as a result I'm waiting until I get some verification from other sources-like peer-reviewed journals and hear what other medical scientists have to say before I can draw any conclusions here.
An aside but related. NASA is catching hell from scientists over the "bacteria that uses arsenic in its DNA" story after several microbiology labs fine-tooth-combed the paper detailing the experiments and research done and found a buch of issues that could cloud the findings.. It's a hot controversy right now, but that's how science is supposed to work. Peer-review is there to make sure scientists get the details right before they publish and they're upset with NASA-who they normally support-for jumping the gun in an apparent PR move.
So-this stem-cell/HIV connection is going to get pored over thoroughly in the next weeks and months before anyone can really draw substantive conclusions but the media likes "attention grabbing" headlines-accuracy is of somewhat lower priority.