Something you may not know about SMoss


The Legend
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Waynesboro, VA
Alma Mater
James Madison
His contract is up at the end of the year. Do we resign a 31 year old whose specialty has been speed?

And I know, I know. If there is a lockout, it won't matter. Never thought about it from someone like Santana's perspective. Might not get another contract if there is a lockout for more than a year...
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I know there is good potential for a lockout. For some reason just think both sides will get something done in the 11th hour.

Both sides know they will lose if there is a lockout. The owners will lose a lot of revenue and players know fans generally tend to side with owners. A lockout or strike is a no win situation for either side.

Back to Santana...he has been our only real WR threat. I see the Redskins giving him the franchise tag. Then he is here for at least one more year or another teams makes us a deal we can't refuse.

If franchise Santana then they can discuss long term once a new CBA is in place.
Someone more knowledgeable than me (shouldn't be hard to find that someone) can tell me if we can franchise Santana AND McNabb? Or use the Transition Tag (not even really sure what that is)? I would think McNabb, whether he wants to be here or not, is more valuable, particularly in trade discussions than Santana is.
Could be wrong (and according to my wife normally I am), but think you can only put franchise tag on one guy. Forgot all about the transition tag.
There is no such thing as the franchise or transition tag with no CBA in place, so the answer is no.
All of the guys from the U are going to be big decisions--Portis and Rocky too.
I have a feeling the Franchise and Transition tags will be big part of discussion in new CBA. The players don't like these tags.
I have a question for someone more knowledgeable about this.

When does the current CBA actually terminate? The reason I'm asking is in relation to the franchise and transition tags-would a team not be able to apply one of those tags until the time the current CBA actually ended?

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