

How much do you have?

We're closing in on a foot in the Shenadoah Valley
@0600 it was over my ankles in rockville. no one the road with me except pickups with snow plows -- hope they make a killin' today...
I'm sure they will. My brother in law figures to make around $2000 today
We're up to 9 inches here in Bethesda. About 1/3 of that came down in the last 90 minutes. Conditions seem to have deteriorated during the last hour or so. Still, it's not as bad as what I was expecting.
We got 6-8 inches here in rural 4 wheel drive is sitting on the side of the steep road leading out of my neighborhood. Epic fail. Fortunately, crucial provisions (beer) were stocked away yesterday.
We got 6-8 inches here in rural 4 wheel drive is sitting on the side of the steep road leading out of my neighborhood. Epic fail. Fortunately, crucial provisions (beer) were stocked away yesterday.

Here in Raleigh, Boone, we were just to the South and East of the transition between snow and a rain/snow mix-I saw a few flakes but northing stuck.

Having spent 25 years enjoying(?) lake effect snows at the southern tip of Lake Michigan, I must admit that a few hours of large flakes slowly drifting downward-especially at night-would be picturesque-but it certainly wouldn't break my heart if the Raleigh area was spared any noticeable accumulation. :)
No snow, yet. Calling for 2-3 inches in this part of VA. Other than rain and wind, we did have to watch the tides this morning. Water about 18-24 inches lower than November Nor'easter.

Still the tide this morning had everyone nervous. I'd rather shovel snow than clean up after more tidal flooding.
At 5:30 I took the measuring stick out front of my house and measured 3 different areas measuring 15", 17" and 21". That was 5 hours ago and I had shoveled the front walk. When I got back from being out for almost 4 hours, I got back and there was at least 5 more inches on the walk. Last time I looked the snow was about 8" - 12", depending on the wind drift, from the top of my 3 ft fence. We are getting a lot here at the midpoint between Baltimore and Washington.
don't have a ruler handy, but the snow in Rockville measures up to about two cases of Coors Light 30-pack cans.
Up yours :laugh:

My boss called to tell me the Feds are closed in DC tomorrow. Seems they got 2 1/2 feet down there

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