Skins reportedly interview Gray to replace Zorn


The Commissioner
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Apr 11, 2009
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I think it's obvious this is 'checking the box' per the Rooney Rule. We're going to get a vet head coach with as much experience as we can find, whether it's Shanahan or someone else. End of story. No way we give the keys to the car to another 16 year old.

Those that criticize this move by Snyder are being silly. The 'Rooney Rule' is well-intentioned, but it also demeans black NFL coaching candidates. It's not Snyder's fault he's not free to choose his own coaches without going through the motions imposed on him by the league.
I have mixed feelings about the Rooney rule. On one hand, I can see what you're saying. On the other, by forcing owners to interview some of these up-and-coming black coaches, they're getting their foot in the door. They still have to impress the owners to get the job, but when a Mike Tomlin comes in and blows the Rooneys away, it's a good thing for all involved. Mike got a chance because of the Rooney rule. He earned the job on his own.
I understand the rationale for it - and the goal is obviously a great one. And I suppose, even if it happens only rarely that a team has no notion or expectation of hiring a particular black coach, but then is wowed in an interview and pulls the trigger - then I'd have to reconsider.

But for every Mike Tomlin, how many other black coaches are there that go through this ordeal when there's no legitimate chance they'll be offered the job? To me - that just 'feels' ugly. It seems as if, if it's that hard for talented black coaches to break through the 'alabaster ceiling', there are bigger problems with the league than just a few ancient old white owners. Seems like there would be bigger fixes. And why stop with black coaching talent - maybe NFL owners should be required to interview women too?
Well, most of the black coaches in the NFL are in favor of it according to reports. They view it as a chance to get exposure that might not happen otherwise.
But are they in favor of it because in the current structure and climate, it's the only chance in hell they have of an opportunity at the highest coaching levels?

I think the NFL could come up with a better approach than mandated 'token' interviews (and I don't use that word lightly - with very few exceptions, that's all they are).

All that being said, I will try and keep an open mind on this topic.
We all know Blache doesn't want the job....but would interview out of respect for Dan Snyder and the franchise.

Jerry Gray has been a coaching candidate at some schools so maybe he can use it as a bargaining chip or get some help for future legitimate interviews.

While I also get the premise of the Rooney rule and think it's a good idea to bring in talented coaches, I also think it's a waste of time in most cases since an owner or GM wants "this guy" and bringing in another candidate just to appease a rule seems to insult everybody's intelligence.

I will say that Mike Tomlin is the one coach that the Rooney rule helped. The Steelers probably would have stayed in-house and gone with Grimm or Whisenhunt
leave it to JLC to leave out the important details like: did danny conduct the interview? was the new GM in attendance? if not, why not?
It happened on “a Tuesday” so it might not have been this last week but previously. Since Allen wasn’t hired officially until Thursday, he wouldn’t be there as GM although he could have been there but that certainly would look odd. Since it was held at Snyder’s house I think we can safely assume that he was in attendance.

If we knew when Snyder really pulled the string on Vinnie and Allen (not when it was announced) and if we knew when the interview took place, we could make some pretty good assumptions about who was there. But we really have an information void.
so if this happened Tue, Alaskan, why would danny do this knowing a new GM would be in place in just 48 hrs?

the point is maybe we have been duped into believing danny has changed just because he brought in george allen's son. maybe this interview indicates that nothing has changed.
That is my biggest fear, Beamish. I suspect that he hasn't really.

Our only hope is that Bruce has a lot of his dad in him and will stand up to Snyder.
The Redskins acted now because it gives them a leg up in the search process over teams like Dallas or Houston whose owners may want to make a change but whose teams weren't bad enough during the season to warrant firing the coaching staff.

Cleveland may very well get Holmgren now because they were the early bird to the post and unlike Seattle didn't sit on their hands for several weeks.
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I see this (interviews) happening just before bye week. Then it was rumored that Zorn would be fired. Snyder probably wanted to see if either was willing to take over. Another question if this meets the Rooney Rule requirements.

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