Skins in Dallas - Anyone Going?

Lanky Livingston

Who has two thumbs and is going to the Dallas game - THIS GUY!!

I am curious if anyone on BGO is going, and if anyone's got a tailgate set up? I won't have access to a lot of tailgate stuff, but will definitely contribute. There will be 5 Redskins fans with me, and possibly two Dallass fans. Don't know what their plans are though.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
Who has two thumbs and is going to the Dallas game - THIS GUY!!

I am curious if anyone on BGO is going, and if anyone's got a tailgate set up? I won't have access to a lot of tailgate stuff, but will definitely contribute. There will be 5 Redskins fans with me, and possibly two Dallass fans. Don't know what their plans are though.

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

I'm sure Blondie will be there.... have fun and make some noise.
Lanky can we get a recap of Cowboys sounds like it might be worth a road trip in the future.
I hate Texas (sorry Blondie)

But I will post my old traditional contribution to the game day experience

Unfortunately Blondiegate is not happening this year. She is out of town I think? Not sure.

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