Seats Ripped Out of Upper Deck at FedEx?

Pretty interesting. Let's face it, attendance at Fedex (real attendance, not the marketing dept nonsense pushed out to the public as fact) has been in steady decline. I wouldn't be surprised if the Redskins were doing something dramatic to address the issue.

Personally, I'd hope they realize that the only thing needed to have a real waiting list (vs. the mythical one they like to pretend exists) would be to start winning.
I loved the CSN ad on that page where you can win an autographed McNabb mini-helmet.

What would the non-winners get? Two autographed McNabb minis?
Think any of the storms passing through the past two weeks damaged the seats? I saw a lot of scenarios, none that suggest there was damage caused by mother nature. Just sayin'...
Pretty interesting. Let's face it, attendance at Fedex (real attendance, not the marketing dept nonsense pushed out to the public as fact) has been in steady decline. I wouldn't be surprised if the Redskins were doing something dramatic to address the issue.

Personally, I'd hope they realize that the only thing needed to have a real waiting list (vs. the mythical one they like to pretend exists) would be to start winning.

makes sense to me.
Maybe he's going with the "Lawn Seat" concept where he can cram people ass to ass and squeeze out a few extra bucks

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