Scouting the Enemy ... Packers are Hurtin'


Burgundy & Gold Jacket
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
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Montclair, VA
Kinda thing that reads different depending on which side of the coin you're looking at.

From the GB side, this is "oh ****" stuff.

From the Redskins' side, it's "we got our own problems, one is gonna feel sorry for us because our OUR injuries, game on" stuff.

Anyway, just some intel/context heading into the game...

Injuries Could Force Multiple Adjustments
By Mike Spofford

Posted 15 hours ago

Head Coach Mike McCarthy said it earlier this week and again on Wednesday that his team is going through an “injury phase” right now.

That’s putting it mildly. Eight players, most of them starters, sat out practice altogether on Wednesday and the team is still seeking more information on the injuries to linebackers Brandon Chillar and Nick Barnett.

There’s no telling exactly how the starting lineup will shake out for Sunday’s game in Washington until the entire week of practice and injury evaluation is completed, but the Packers already know they have to replace rookie safety Morgan Burnett and there may be adjustments at inside linebacker and on the offensive line as well.

Here’s a breakdown of where things stand at those three position groups most affected by the injury bug at the moment...
Funny ... maybe I'm whistling past the graveyard, but the only guy in green and gold that really scares me is Aaron Rogers. If we can't rough him up and get in his head, I can see him doing the same thing to us that Schaub and the Texans did.

Rogers is good. Real good.

The rest of his team to me is just a'ight.

With apologies to Randy Jackson.
Here, this is fun:

Pictures: Packers vs. Redskins, 1943 to 2007

At the risk of seemingly pimping ... these pieces are coming from an RSS news feed module I've added to The Om Field that will pull news/info from each upcoming opponent in the week leading up to the game. Been meaning do to that for months but kept forgettin'. I'm old you know.
So Matthews working against our line without CP in there to pick him up does not concern you, Om?
Define "concern" brother. :)

I don't expect the Redskins to beat Green Bay. I think the Pack is a better team, further along in their development as a team. I think what makes them potentially special is their quarterback, who on any given Sunday can be as good as there is. I think our offense can be competitive and score 20-25 points. I'm not sure the Redskins defense at this point in their first season under Haslett and in the 3-4 can handle Rogers and hold him under that if he's on.

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