I'll say up front that I support the SEALS and the rest of our military Sarge. However, if you'll allow yourself to look away from the Faux News viewpoint for a moment, you'll realize that little if anything is out of order here.
These guys by their own admission got great intel, captured the target without any shots being fired and everything went perfectly. Great. The target then alleges that he was roughed up. So are you saying our guys should immediately get the benefit of the doubt without any due diligence on our part whatsoever? Obviously the answer has to be "no".
Sorry, I'll take the word of the SEALS over the word of the guy that planned and executed this
Keep in mind that these guys are now taught, via the AQ handbook, to squeal about abuse as soon as they are captured.
OK, so here's what the outrage is all about. The target makes his allegations and these SEALS go to trial which will pretty much go along the lines of "OK, so the target had a revolver under his pillow yet was captured without being shot or seriously injured. Target then says he was "roughed up" and his injuries consist of....one fat lip? These men are innocent. NEXT!!" End of story. Big freakin' deal.
In Sarge's world, that would be correct. A fat lip? You're gonna allow three special forces guys to possibly go to jail, and certainly ruin their careers, because a terrorist has a fat lip and they alledgedly tried to cover it up? Additionally, we're going to spend probably hundreds of thousands, if not a millions of dollars, sending these guys back to Iraq for trial?
What's wrong with this picture?
Now OTOH if our policy was to summarily dismiss the protests of captives (and others) out of hand, with no due process whatsoever,
this is what we'd be at risk of becoming. Sorry, but we're better than that. And if the cost is that a few of our guys have to sit in court for a day or so while everything gets sorted out, so be it. That doesn't seem to be too huge a price to pay for doing what's right; nevermind the value of maintaining the confidence of the citizens of a country we're occupying....that we're trying to keep pacified long enough to get the hell out of BTW.
LiIke I said, it's gonna cost these guys more than a few days in court if they are found guilty. Mind you, they are not being prosecuted for roughing the throatcutter up, they're beig prosecuted for alledgedly lying about it. Two completely different things.
Anywhoo, when one takes into account that this story is being pushed primarily by the morons at Faux News and opportunists like Dan Burton (did you notice the "Paid for and authorized by the Dan Burton for Congress Committee" disclaimer in the petition?) it begins to look a lot more like just another story designed to gin up more Faux outrage....i.e. just another far right red herring.
Would it have been better had I gotten the link from CNN? I'd still be just as pissed.
Now in the true spirit of Penn and Teller, I'll challenge you to instead look at what the
non-distractor hand is doing. That is, try thinking a bit about the bunny someone might be trying to get you to overlook while they're waving the magic wand around in their other hand. Could it possibly be that maybe, just maybe, someone is trying to manipulate your outrage for
their benefit?
You're better than that Sarge. And a hell of a lot smarter. I don't know about you but I'm done with falling for the GOP's banana in the tailpipe routine.