Russ Grimm's HOF Induction Speech


The Commissioner
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Apr 11, 2009
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Greensboro, NC
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For those of you that might've missed it, here's Russ Grimm's HOF Induction speech.

Was anyone else turned off by the pre-recorded induction speeches? That's part of what made Monk and Green's so special - Art Monk's son inducting him, and Joe Gibbs inducting Green (I may have those reversed). I was really looking forward to Buges firing up the crowd!
Yeah, it would have been better in person, but they probably did it to limit inductors to a certain amount of time.

Good too see a Hog in there. Be nice if Jacoby could follow
Yeah, it would have been better in person, but they probably did it to limit inductors to a certain amount of time.

Yeah, you're probably right. Still kind of disappointing that Buges didn't get a chance to do his thing.
Was anyone else turned off by the pre-recorded induction speeches? That's part of what made Monk and Green's so special - Art Monk's son inducting him, and Joe Gibbs inducting Green (I may have those reversed). I was really looking forward to Buges firing up the crowd!

Jamie, you still have the disc I sent you with the photos? Both of their sons introduced them if memory serves me correctly. Gibbs was there, but as a member.

I will never forget as things began to die down after the ceremony, I saw the ESPN booth at the other end of the stadium so I walked over. They were about to do an interview with Green or Monk. I don't remember, but I was taking photos. I was focused and when I stopped clicking off shots, I looked at the gentleman next to me. I noticed someone was standing there in my peripheral, but when I looked up I noticed it was Coach Gibbs. I was standing next to coach for a few minutes and didn't even notice it. I shook his hand, thanked him for his years of glory and let him be as he was inundated with autograph seekers. Great moment for me.

As far as our Hall of Fame Hog, it is great to have him recognized for his career. He was a true great! Congratulations Russ Grimm and the Hogs in general as they are recognized as well with his induction!

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