Rogue Squirrel ST21 Memorial Shirts

Lanky Livingston

Not sure if everyone is familiar, but Rogue Squirrel is putting out a limited edition reprint of their ST21 memorial shirts, ST Wings & 21 Forever. I know I always regretted not buying 21 Forever, and now I have my shot. Plus my STW shirt is pretty worn, so I'm replacing it.

You can also get the bundle for cheaper (both shirts together), which is what I did. They are also offering a 10% discount with the code FTBALLSBK.

Anyway, this is not an ad of any kind, or SPAM - I get nothing in return for posting this. I just stumbled across the fact that the shirts are available through the end of August, and thought I would share.

Love that you posted this.

A) Joe is good people.
B) Those are two of the coolest t-shirts ever. I know - I bought one of each at the time and still have them.
These look beautiful. Just ordered them both. I'm envisioning my kids wearing them one day.

. . . I should probably wash them before that day comes.
I still rock mine. Great design and a top quality shirt.
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