RIP Bubba9497


The Owner's Favorite
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Aug 4, 2009
Reaction score
If you haven't heard, we lost a great Redskins fan in Bubba9497 this week.

I know alot of former ES'ers are here and thought I'd pass the news along.

RIP to our good friend.

What happened?

He was an old time ES'er that I enjoyed chatting with

That sucks

My prayers go out to his family
Very sad. Bubba was always kind of a mystery - in fact despite being a key player on ES from nearly the beginning, none of the staff ever met him. He lived 15 minutes from one of our staff in Roanoke and still they never met.

A great guy and a great Redskins fan. Sympathies to his family and loved ones. 45 years old is far far too soon. RIP Bubba.
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I wrote this a few minutes ago at ES...

Farewell Bubba - your name will live on here. We will never forget you. We admired your dedication and hard work. We enjoyed your sense of humor. We had fun watching you torment the opposition. We were awestruck at the number of hours you put in.

We cheered when you cheered. We laughed when you laughed. We were frustrated when you were frustrated. We were happy when you were happy. You taught us what it truly meant to be a fan.

You were indeed, The King Of All Media. But most of all, you have been and always will be, our friend.

God Bless You Bubba.
Nicely said BB. We've posted a little memorial on our homepage. He accomplished what we all hope to in this world, to be missed when we're gone. :cheers:

Bubba would send me little messages all the time.

I am so saddened by this news.
Really sad news--

Always enjoyed bubba's sense of humor, but never felt like I really go to know him all that well.

He was an absolutely amazing news hound--really unmatched. I have no idea how he was able to do what he did. Pretty amazing talent.

Rest in peace bubba.

Here's the obituary


EDIT: link has been removed by request. Please note that we do not censor lightly here, but are making an exception in this instance per our best judgment. Thanks for your understanding.

- Om
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Really sad news--

Always enjoyed bubba's sense of humor, but never felt like I really go to know him all that well.

He was an absolutely amazing news hound--really unmatched. I have no idea how he was able to do what he did. Pretty amazing talent.

Rest in peace bubba.

He always joked that it was his way of padding his post count:) :(
So shocking and so sad. Bubba's one of those people that's not supposed to ever die.

I guess in a way he never will because what Redskins fan with a computer doesn't know him?

I'm pretty much at a loss for words on this one. :(

Now if you all will excuse me I'm gonna go hug my kids.
I'm sitting here thinking about how Bubba never posted a pic of himself (that I recall), so for the longest time I just pictured him as Joe Bugel (his long-time avatar). Wild.
Funny you should say that Lanky, because that is how I remember him. Joe Bubba Bugel.
Very sad news. He will be missed.

RIP Bubba.

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