Replying to Redskins News Section

Lanky Livingston

For awhile, when we replied to an article in the Redskins News (or similar) section, it was moved to Sons of Washington - is this no longer happening?
Lanky, that is not automatic. Om, Boone or myself has been moving those when we spot them.
FYI, we are planning to add a hack soon that will do that automatically. Meaning, when someone replies to a thread in the news section(s) the thread will automatically be moved to the applicable main discussion forum. We're working out the details and possible user options before contracting the job. Look for it to be up and running by preseason.
I'm glad you reminded us of this Mike...we are getting ready to roll out our new (and hopefully permanent) logo, reopen the BGO Store, and then we'll make that a priority modification.

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