Redskinsblog:Shanahan Wants Competition On The Roster


The Rookie
Feb 25, 2010
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First, he discusses how important he thinks it is for players to participate in the offseason program at Redskins Park, and his thoughts can largely be summed up in one word: very. Here's the non-summed up version:

"The organizations I've been around," he says, "everybody has participated]. We haven't had people go off into different places. It's a team sport and if you want to get good as a team, you'd better practice as a team. And you've gotta make sure that the players understand that they've got a chance to get better, not only individually but collectively as a team. It's a commitment to each other."

So just because you're working out in, say, one of the training facilities in Arizona or Miami, that doesn't necessarily satisfy what Shanahan is looking to accomplish. And -- as always, when you're thinking about offseason work and team-building -- it's probably important to keep this in mind as far as Clinton Portis goes.

The second -- and even more revealing -- comment of note came in response to a question from Michael about when the coach might know who his starting quarterback would be. Here's what he said:

"What I try to do is get as much competition as possible," Shanahan says. "And we're gonna spend as much time with these guys as they want. What I mean by that is in the offseason, we're gonna do whatever we can do to help them get better. And I've always been one [who thinks] that competition makes you a better football team, so we're gonna try to bring the best players in at every position and have a great offseason program and evaluate that as time goes on."

Which sounds to me like we shouldn't be expecting a particularly speedy resolution to some of the questions we've been asking since the season ended, and it also sounds like we're in for an interesting and lively offseason, training camp, and preseason.

uummm, there's alot to chew on with this one... :munching_out:
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I think almost every spot should be open for competition. We all know Orakpo is going to start....but he should be treated the same as HB Blades.

There is a new boss in town, and everbody should be starting from the same spot. QB, RB, OL, WR, TE, DL, LB, DB
I think almost every spot should be open for competition. We all know Orakpo is going to start....but he should be treated the same as HB Blades.

There is a new boss in town, and everbody should be starting from the same spot. QB, RB, OL, WR, TE, DL, LB, DB

I agree, i'm tired of the politics.
If you don't should hurt you this offseason.

If you think you've got an open line to the you don't.

I want this team run like the military. I'm sick of this "They are grown men" nonsense. They need to be treated like its bootcamp for at least a year.

Its easier to start strict and ease up, than the other way around.
If you don't should hurt you this offseason.

If you think you've got an open line to the you don't.

I want this team run like the military. I'm sick of this "They are grown men" nonsense. They need to be treated like its bootcamp for at least a year.

Its easier to start strict and ease up, than the other way around.

I remember an WP article by Dan Steinberg where he mentioned where during the last couple weeks of the season, after Allen assumed his position, a certain player attempted to get into Snyder's office to speak on some issues. Unfortunately for the player he was stopped at the door by some body guards by which the guards stated that Allen has implemented a new policy where no players will have access to Dan's office. If i can find that article i will post it.

If that is any indication of how things will be run going forward, then i don't think discipline will be an issue for this team. It really appears that we are headed in the right direction.
I remember that. It wasn't security, just the admin outside Snyder's office that told the "player" to go talk to Allen.

Also, Allen ended Snyder's "lunch" with Zorn where they watched game film.
I remember an WP article by Dan Steinberg where he mentioned where during the last couple weeks of the season, after Allen assumed his position, a certain player attempted to get into Snyder's office to speak on some issues. Unfortunately for the player he was stopped at the door by some body guards by which the guards stated that Allen has implemented a new policy where no players will have access to Dan's office. If i can find that article i will post it.

:clap2: Reading that gives me a little more hope for the team.
I remember that. It wasn't security, just the admin outside Snyder's office that told the "player" to go talk to Allen.

Also, Allen ended Snyder's "lunch" with Zorn where they watched game film.

thanks for clearing that up...and the part about the lunch thing is on point as well. I do remember that was part of the piece. If i could be a fly on the wall to see some of the dysfunction in that place.
more competition means guys will have to work harder and have to earn a spot.

When you know how hard you had to work to become a starter, you don't want to give it up and will work harder to keep the job.

It makes total sense.
I definitely like what I'm hearing so far. I doubt you'll hear much grumbling from the players, at least in the media. Mike likes to keep that kind of stuff quiet and if a player grumbles in public, he either goes into the doghouse or gets cut.

As for Allen, I think it's obvious the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in his case. The days of media leaks, "meddling" owners and raquetball and radio are over. Sounds like we are well on our way back to being a professional organization.

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