Redskins Recon: The Nuclear Option-in stealth mode?


The Owner's Favorite
Jun 30, 2009
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Raleigh, NC
Alma Mater
I wondered if this re-kindling of the cap-space fight betwen the Redskins-and to a lesser extent the Cowboys-and the NFL, and Uncle Roger, and by...

If FA is indeed delayed, this will be front page news. Giants fans may be overtaking Dallas fans as most asshole-ish fans out there. That was disgusting.

Thanks for posting Serv.

And **** Mara.
If FA is indeed delayed, this will be front page news. Giants fans may be overtaking Dallas fans as most asshole-ish fans out there. That was disgusting.

Thanks for posting Serv.

And **** Mara.

Edit/Add: Great recon! (as always!)

Its always an interesting conversation with Gnats fan these days when you ask if they would be cool if Snyder took a position of power with the league like, I dont know, Head of the competition committee or something, and then pushed very hard to remove 30% of the Giants cap space because they broke a "gentlemen's agreement" about the cap in an uncapped year. Then gave a piece of that money to most of the other teams to spend instead.

For some reason they all say they wouldnt like it. Strange but true.
Tom in NY said:
I blame the media and their unwillingness to understand this issue.

The easy story is "it was an uncapped year, therefore no rules." Unfortunately, it takes a few moments of reading and understanding basic accounting to get why the cowboys and redskins were found to have cheated.

It was NOT a matter of what teams spent in salaries or signing bonuses in 2010, but rather that these two teams decided to write off exorbitant previous bonuses into the 2010 year, thus freeing MORE cap space than they were entitled to in 2011 and future years. The league agreed, ahead of 2010 NOT to do this so that teams were not given a competitive advantage, and must fairly feel the effects of previous years of spending.

By the fact that 30 other teams agreed not to do these accounting tricks tells the story.

There is no "collusion" as it was not about $$ spent, but how the accounting would be handled.

But why would we expect anyone from the media to, you know, read and attempt to comprehend when it is far easier to create a sensationalist story.

I wonder if this is the old Tom from ES? He's the only one who put any kind of rational thought into his response.

<Stephen A. Smith> HOWEVAH </Stephen A. Smith>

His argument has one basic flaw - we COULD have done the Haynesworth move in any year, and the cap would have accelerated to that year, not spread out over several like he seems to think. He is confused with CUTTING Haynesworth, which would create dead cap spread out over several years.

If they'd traded him in 2009, when the Titans wanted him for a 3rd rounder, the entire $36M or whatever would have accelerated to that year. This is why we did NOT trade him, b/c there was a salary cap and they could not afford to.

Lo' and behold, the NFL & the NFLPA can't agree on a deal and boom: uncapped year. The Redskins did not design this uncapped year. The Redskins did not create this uncapped year. But you're damn right a saavy business man like Snyder is going to take advantage of every loophole he can!

And to those of you saying "Oh, this is just Snyder's comeuppance for his wreckless spending over there years," give me a BREAK. He's done all his spending within the cap up until this point, at some times hamstringing himself. Were they bad contracts? Sure. Were they within the rules outlined by the former CBA? One hundred percent. So you can be angry about the previous spending sprees (I am...they were stupid), but the bottom line is that it was an UNCAPPED year.

If you're going to punish the Redskins, go right ahead. But then you have to hold every other NFL team to the same standards. Take a look at the contract breakdown for Julius Peppers:
Year Base Signing Misc Cap Hit
2010 900,000 1,083,000 12,800,000 14,783,000
2011 900,000 3,183,000 100,000 4,183,000
2012 8,900,000 3,183,000 100,000 12,183,000
2013 12,900,000 3,183,000 100,000 16,183,000
2014 13,900,000 3,183,000 100,000 17,183,000
2015 16,500,000 3,183,000 - 19,683,000

Fairly soon we will hear about how Julius Peppers has restructured his contract, to turn his base salary into a signing bonus this year and spread out the cap hit. Sound familiar? It should...its been Snyder's M-O for YEARS.

EDIT: And that doesn't even address the 10 or so teams who spent BELOW the salary cap floor, ALSO a violation of the previous and present CBAs. Where are there punishments?
Not surprised. Giant fans can be pretty nasty when they get their backs up. Doesn't mean their owner isn't a conniving spoiled little back-stabber. Just means they'd rather deflect the blame on someone else.

Until Mara and Goodell can point to a rule the Redskins broke, they are in the wrong. You don't make wink-wink nudge-nudge deals with multi-billion dollar organizations, and if you do it's your own fault if they don't pan out the way you hoped.
Giants fans may be overtaking Dallas fans as most asshole-ish fans out there. That was disgusting.

Reminds me of bandwagon Pokes fans from the 90's and of course Steeler fans. The "whatever we do is the right thing because we got rings" approach. I lived in NJ for a long stretch and they honestly weren't as bad as they are now. But during that stretch Philly was a annual contender and their fans were horrible.

I think winning brings out the worst in some fan bases. The same could be said about some of our fans this past season. Robert's injury may have curbed that a little, at least I hope so.

Nice post Serv I think the lack of talk about it out there is proportional with the idea that its an impossible fight. People just don't think we have a leg to stand on. Glad everyone around the league isn't pissed about it though, that gives us a little more of a chance I guess.
Hey DM, what's with 'the quitter' moniker?

Just curious...
I hope Dan goes ape**** and throws down the gauntlet on this though i doubt it'll happen. It just seems like the team put out feelers to see what kind of support they could muster, especially from the media.

Karma's gonna get Mara and Goodell at one time or another...gonna be a riot to watch it too!
While I'd love for the gauntlet to be thrown, I suspect that its mostly posturing at this point. Just for my own sanity, I think Im going to assume that we work with $18M less in cap space again (which I freaking hate and it gets my blood pressure up).

I just dont want to set myself up for a huge letdown on this
I agree SS, nothing but posturing and the league and Mara are gonna get away from it. No shame what so ever in doing so either.

Love to see a deranged skins fan run up to and headbutt Mara right in the face during one of the gnats pressers.
Mara is a turd, and the bottom line is that if it were applied evenly to all the teams, nobody would have said anything but to levy it on us and the cowturds the night before FA? like that wasnt meant to send a message? I say nuke the bastards hard
hey....Mara did what he could to undermine a couple division foes. understandable in my book

now...turn-around is fair play! oh come the day!!!
Fansince, you do have a way with words. :)

BTW, good to see you cruising the local environs.

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