Redskins Recon - Redskins Recon Special-The HC Hunt-Who's Fishing In Our Pond?


The Owner's Favorite
Jun 30, 2009
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Raleigh, NC
Alma Mater
I thought it might be interesting to check in with Seahawks, Panthers, Giants and Ravens fans to see if they had any commentary about the idea of the Redskins interviewing and possibly hiring one of their coordinators for the Skins HC position.

Seahawks fans had a few comments, some were really interesting(!). They pretty much expect a raid on their coaching staff anyway.

Panthers fans have a lot to say about possibly losing McDermott to the Redskins-or anyone elase for that matter. They also expect to get a lot of attention from teams looking for coaching help.

Ravens fans don't seem all that worked up about possibly losing Caldwell though.

Giants fans are mixed in their opinions about Fewell. As usual.

Seattle Seahawks fans


Reading both Bevell and Quinn are going to be interviewed by the Vikings. Bevell is also going to interview with the Deadskins and Quinn with the Browns. Have no problem with the Hawks letting Bevell go, Offense needs a change up. Quinn though would down right suck to lose.


And when Bevell leaves, I think there are some people who are going to appreciate just how good he actually is.


What the heck is Jim Zorn doing nowadays? I wonder if he'd be a candidate for the OC job if Bevel leaves. He might be able to help if he needed it.


Kyle Shanahan will be available. At least they built the O around RG3 from the get go. Bevell had to study what they did with RG3 THEN finally decide to make use of RW skills with new plays.

One poster commented on all the interest being shown in the Seattle oaching staff.


Were gonna get picked clean , lol

Carolina Panthers fans

Keuch the Sneak

He's focused on this team everyone relax, it'll kinda suck if he leaves next year though. Right after putting together a top defense


Horrible job because of the owner. Stay clear of the Redskins and Browns jobs. Use it for a practice interview McDermott. But he should not even be allowed to interview right before our playoff game. Smh

McDermott is good but look at the tools he has... Probably best front 7 in the entire NFL. I don't think the defense would miss him that much.

From Cam to RGIII....?


i'd be surprised if he was away during work for an interview. i'd be just as surprised if the skins pull the trigger on him for their HC

If Snyder wants him, he gone. Too much money coming out of that a**hole's pockets.

Skins don't have Luke, TD, CJ, or the Kraken, so there's that.

Don't take Kraken with you, Sean.

This next poster brought up an idea I hadn't thought of.

McDermott will get a head coaching gig soon. Maybe not this one and maybe not this year but it is going to happen. I just hope Wilks does not leave for a DC job this offseason. He has been a miracle working with this secondary.

It would certainly be interesting to see him evaluating RG3's development, after having Cam, or would he even consider Cousins (unless the meddling Snyder said "hands off RG3")? Lol

We'll see?

Real Emotional Trash
Lots of crying in this topic about a guy whose defense is second in the league. What's he preparing for exactly for that one day he's going to miss? We don't even know who we're playing and the defense isn't exactly broken (just needs rest, which they are hopefully getting).

Sean McD was run out of Philly and is of the same line of defensive scheming as Ron. If we lost Sean, so what? It's not like Shula didn't step in for Chud and create an offense that wins games. It's not like someone else can't come in with a weak zone Tampa 2 that only works because of how good our personnel is. Look at our defense in prior years. The addition of DTs and Luke allows for the cover 2 scheme. Tackling won't stop being coached. Hell, with CBs, we might not even use Tampa 2 next year anyway.

Baltimore Ravens fans

can we give him to the skins? they want him...

LEGEN-wait for it-DARY
Of course they do, he's a great coach and any team would be lucky to have him. But we can't be selfish, we'll just have to move on. Oh well. Cya Jim! :)

I'd actually like to keep Caldwell but not as an offensive coordinator but as a QB coach.


lot of interest in caldwell. now the redskins want to interiew him. i think we can do better so i wish him the best. i wish someone would go after the bengals defenisve and offensive coordinators. there's been a lot of cotinuity in cincinatti.

I wish Caldwell the best and he's deserved to have another chance for a HC job; Lions are loaded with talents on both side of the ball, and all they need is a discipline HC. Caldwell will do good things for the Lions.

I myself would love to have a truely offensive coordinator; Caldwell fits perfectly for QB coach or HC but not for OC....

PS: Still thank Caldwell for 2013 SB run.....truly appreciated....

The fact that several teams are interested in Caldwell, particularly after a spectacular failure during his first head coaching tenure, should tell people what a job he actually managed to do this season with the lack of offensive pieces we suffered from.

No I'm not mad. I'm just referring to how bad our O was this year and why would other teams want to have as bad of an offense as we did. I'm fine if that's what they want but I'm just curious lol.

I don't care how many interviews he does, just one of those teams, take him.

New York Giants fans

I've been saying with all the talk about Gilbride, don't be surprised if Fewell's name pops up for HC jobs again. The giants defense is the only reason the team won 7games. THe offense was pathetic just about the entire season. Fewell has turned players who weren't supposed to be much into quality players, and that speaks volume. I'm impressed with the job hes done this past yr. I'm not surprised at all his names again involved as a possible HC job.

Flip Empty
He's just another name on their list. I reckon Jim Caldwell is more likely.

I would not be disappointed if he left

i think that snyder is just casting a wide net for a new hc. fewell did a good job as interim coach in buffalo, it was a little suprising to me he didnt get the job at the time. as our d coordinator hes had his share of ups and downs but overall hes been good and the players like him. i would prefer he stay.

I think he'd be a perfect HC for the Skins but I don't think that Snyder is that stupid.
I hope I am wrong.

Some of you people truly are idiots.
Fewell is a freakin good DC.
He had a defense with so many personel holes in it that even all of you could point them out.
He has to play in conjunction with arguably the worst offense in the NFL with so many 3 and outs that it was humiliating.
Lets not forget all the INTS and fumbles by our offense as well.
Yet despite all this he still got our D in the top 10....
Bunch of freakin morons today.

They are interviewing him because of how good our defense played the 2nd half of the season despite having a turnover prone offense that sucked.. Fewell should def be getting interviews. I loved when we signed em to be our DC, then soured a bit on em, but now hes def in my good graces. I understand fully why teams would have him on there short list now.

Our GM and openers won't fire him so maybe Washington will do us a favor

Perry Fewell isn't the problem though. The problem is the offense. I completely understand Gilbride being fired, as are offense has become ridicuously perdictable and stagnent.

Again, as for Fewell, our defense is the only reason we even won those 7games this past season. Fewell's done quite well at making players outta guys who weren't supposed to be much also, like Trumaine McBride, Stevie Brown, just to name a few. He also seemingly helped resurect John Beason's career. Fewell is one of the bright spots from this abysmal season if you ask me.

So no, i dont think the Skins will be doing us a favor. But, i'll still be excited to see if we bring back coach Spags, who i think just fits here in NYC. Hes a Northeast guy...

Yup I want this. Please Snyder you can have Fewell, I'll help pack his bags for him and drive him down there myself. He did a great job this year but I want a different defensive style than what Fewell advocates.

Cue the buffoons on here saying Spags was awful with the talentless Rams and a Saints team that had it's head coach suspended so he shouldn't be hired back here.

Obviously Fewell did something right, the run defense and pass defense improved immensely. Big plays in the run and pass plays basically disappeared.. all while having an offense and special teams that continually put the defense in a bad spot, and virtually no pass rush.

Steve Spagnuolo got ran out St. Louis, then subsequently got ran out of New Orleans.. I have no idea why people want Fewell gone, just to have him replaced by Spagnuolo

This last one made me laugh.

Interesting point about this Fewell interview with the Redskins. I wonder if Synder is thinking if he hires Fewell would he be capable of stealing some of our free agents? In his small mind I wonder if Synder thinks he can now make a run at Joseph and Beason and maybe Tuck? We all know how much Synder wants to always stick it to us because of Mara's involvement with Cap Penalty imposed on the Redskins.

oh god is that really the take on the caronlina DC? mediocre coach with great player-talent?

that was the guy i liked :\
T, I saw a couple of things there. First of all, NFL fans are all pretty similar. There is something about being a little too close to your team, and remembering the warts more than the positives when it comes to evaluating your existing coaching staff. To listen to our fans, you'd think Kyle and Haslett are both drooling idiots who should not be allowed to put pen to paper. Given that there was support in addition to the derision, I think that's a pretty decent approval rating, honestly.

Except for Seattle fans; they are all douchebags. All of them. I hate them.
Nah, Goal. First in line for that should be nycsportzfan:
I completely understand Gilbride being fired, as are offense has become ridicuously perdictable and stagnent.
That guy has got to have the highest efficiency rating for spelling and grammatical errors ever. I mean they're packed into his sentences like sardines!
their offense is good at being ridiculous for every dictable
Nah, Goal. First in line for that should be nycsportzfan:

That guy has got to have the highest efficiency rating for spelling and grammatical errors ever. I mean they're packed into his sentences like sardines!

I post what I written :halo:
Fear, miked1958 doesn't think Fewell is any good and was expressing his wish that NY get rid of Fewell and that the "favor" the Redskins would be doing would be in in taking Fewell off their hands, the follow-up comment nycsportzfan shows that there is a notable diference of opinion among Giants fans about how good Fewell is or isn't.
Fear, miked1958 doesn't think Fewell is any good and was expressing his wish that NY get rid of Fewell and that the "favor" the Redskins would be doing would be in in taking Fewell off their hands, the follow-up comment nycsportzfan shows that there is a notable diference of opinion among Giants fans about how good Fewell is or isn't.

So, do you think some NFL team will do US a favor and offer Jim Haslett a 7 Million Dollar Head Coaching gig ? :p
I thought it might be interesting to check in with Seahawks, Panthers, Giants and Ravens fans to see if they had any commentary about the idea of the Redskins interviewing and possibly hiring one of their coordinators for the Skins HC position.

Serv, if you have the time and the energy to do it, I'd be real curious to see a "Recon" on what each of our divisional foes think and feel about the Gruden hiring.
Fear, I'm planning to do something in the next couple of days along those lines probably including team fans from the AFC North-Ravens, Steelers, Browns, because they played against Jay G.

Stay tuned.
Fear, I'm planning to do something in the next couple of days along those lines probably including team fans from the AFC North-Ravens, Steelers, Browns, because they played against Jay G.

Stay tuned.

Good friend of mine who is a Steelers' fan was the one who informed me of the hire and he doesn't think much of Gruden. His reaction was...big mistake. He said after facing them 2 times a year over the last 3 years, he was less than impressed with Gruden. Take it for what it's worth, serv just reminded me what he said with his post about researching other AFC North fan sites.

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