Redskins Insider: Trent Williams has a new uniform number


Rookie left tackle Trent Williams took the practice field Thursday wearing a new uniform number - No. 71. "It was my old number," Williams said. "I originally wanted that number." When Williams joined the Redskins, No. 71 was already taken by fellow lineman Mike Williams. But just because Trent Williams was the Redskins' first-round draft pick, he didn't have the ability to simply swipe someone else's number. He immediately began discussions with Mike Williams, trying to figure out what it'd take for Big Mike to relinquish No. 71. "We was in negotiations," Trent Williams said. "Then it worked out that he's not with us this year, so I ended up getting it." Mike Williams will miss this season due to blood clots, which meant No. 71 was back on the market. Trent Williams said when he first started playing football as a young boy, he actually wore No. 70 because


Trent Williams - Washington Redskins - Mike Williams - Offensive tackle - American football

"We was in negotiations,"

im sure this is pety of me but I cant stand when college "educated" people speak ignorantly in front of the media. You went to school for at least 14 years, can't you put together an intelligent statement?

is this a sign that Im getting old?

If it's a sign you're getting old, Mike, then I've been old most of my adult life.
"We was in negotiations,"

im sure this is pety of me but I cant stand when college "educated" people speak ignorantly in front of the media. You went to school for at least 14 years, can't you put together an intelligent statement?

is this a sign that Im getting old?

You must love the NBA
Come on Mike, you know you are supposed to capitalize when you start a sentence. In fact, I have seen you do it before. :nana:
"We was in negotiations,"

im sure this is pety of me but I cant stand when college "educated" people speak ignorantly in front of the media. You went to school for at least 14 years, can't you put together an intelligent statement?

is this a sign that Im getting old?

Errr.... Ummmm... PETTY. :bucktooth:

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