Redskins blog: Carlos Rogers Seems Pretty Happy With The Current Situation


The Rookie
Feb 25, 2010
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Awww man, minicamp can't start soon enough!! :)

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"It's different," he said, in a tone that clearly implied that -- for purposes of this statement, different meant vastly better. "I can say for one thing, everybody's dedicated. You know, [head coach Mike] Shanahan came in and put that foot down from the get-go. It's like, he wants guys that are here and dedicated. He don't care about [if] you got in your contract that you're supposed to be here 85%, you know? He wants guys here 100%. At times you may have to miss because of stuff, but you got guys here -- he sees the dedication of guys here that wanna work. And I know as a secondary, we said 'We're all gonna be here, we're gonna do it.' You've got a couple guys missin' for their various reasons, but in his eyes, guys that don't wanna be here, you know, he's gettin' rid of. And you can only respect that. And everybody's dedicated."

When the new strength and conditioning staff came in, "everybody was hurtin', I guess, the first week, week and a half, but after that you understand what they're doin', how they're building you to last the whole season. It's not just, 'Oh, I'm throwin' this weight on you, get up in weight, get up in weight.' It's not about that. You take our stats and you'll see a steady progress with everybody from week to week. If they ain't goin' up but five pounds or two and a half pounds more, okay. It's a process. We like it. It's tough, but everyday we come here with our minds set on gettin' this job done, and each week it's something better."

The difficult workouts are providing a side benefit as well. "Even though it's tough, everybody's out there grinding," Rogers said. "You're fighting through it. Sled, pushing that sled, that's one of the toughest workouts, but we're all out there fighting and we're gettin' through it, and at the end of the day, we all joke around and have fun, maybe go shoot [baskets], maybe go to L.A. Fitness and play basketball, but you can see everybody just gettin' together. Everybody's got one goal in mind
carlos said "You've got a couple guys missin' for their various reasons, but in his eyes, guys that don't wanna be here, you know, he's gettin' rid of."

fat al??
If Rogers finalizing gets control over his hands and is able to bring in some of those dropped INTs, we could really see some big differences on the turnover ratios. I don't know if I see it happening, but this is a good time of year for (false) hopes. :)
I would be real happy if we kept Rogers. Certainly there are some problems with the ints,but getting a cb of his quality would be hard in the draft, risky, and a pick we could use elsewhere. We could have our cb situation nailed down for a long time if he plays up to his capabity, Buchanon plays well and one or our the draft picks the last few years steps up. By the way; what is Smoot's status? Was he released or is there a thought of having him at FS?
I would be real happy if we kept Rogers. Certainly there are some problems with the ints,but getting a cb of his quality would be hard in the draft, risky, and a pick we could use elsewhere. We could have our cb situation nailed down for a long time if he plays up to his capabity, Buchanon plays well and one or our the draft picks the last few years steps up. By the way; what is Smoot's status? Was he released or is there a thought of having him at FS?

He was released in the big purge.

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