Red Cross: Give blood, get one free game ticket


The Starter
Jul 15, 2009
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Reston, VA; Sect 141
Red Cross: Give blood, get one free game ticket - Update: New Drives, Oct 1, Oct 11

Support your American Red Cross -
exclusive blood donation partner of the Washington Redskins!

All blood drive participants will receive 1 Redskins ticket* to an upcoming game! Attend a blood drive with family, friends or colleagues and head out to the game together!

Redskins Donation Opportunities

Friday, September 3, 2010
10 am - 6 pm

Christian Fellowship Church
Around the Corner from Redskins Park
21673 Beaumeade Cir., Ashburn
, VA 20147

Damascus Lions Club
10211 Lewis Dr., Damascus, MD 20872

Call 1-800-RED CROSS or click on one of the drives above to register now!
*Tickets to specific games not guaranteed. All blood drive participants will receive (1) 2010-2011 regular season game ticket. Tickets are non-transferrable and not redeemable for cash
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If I give a kidney, can I get lower bowl tickets to the opener?
I did a photo shoot at the Damascus Lions Club last week and heard the building supervisor discussing this saying it was Cowgirls' tickets. I wasn't able to find it on the Red Cross website so thanks for posting.

I gotta say I don't like needles, but this is Redskins' tickets we are talking about. :) However, since it is not guaranteed opening day tickets, I'll be damned if I give blood! :laugh:
Its always good to give blood. Kind of sad that they have to promote blood drives with free tickets to a game.

If I lived in the D.C. area, I would definitely be doing this.
Its always good to give blood. Kind of sad that they have to promote blood drives with free tickets to a game.

If I lived in the D.C. area, I would definitely be doing this.

I agree it is good to give blood for you guys. I hate needles and do my community service in other ways. No needles! Unless of course it is Cowgirls' tickets.:bucktooth:
David Elfin said on twitter you can get tickets to the opener for donating.
Is this what Skins tickets go for nowadays?

I'd like to give, but having been stationed in England in the 80's I'm banned

All you other former military types are probably out as well
What happened in England in the 80's to make you ineligible to donate?
They had an outbreak of Mad Cow disease(Otherwise known as Crutchfield Jacobs disease) in England that the Brits pretty much ignored for a year or two. No one can say for sure whether or not it got into the food supply.

There are other places in the Middle East that if you were there for any length of time you had the possiblity of picking up bloodborne diseases and are disqualified as well

Ahh, the joys of serving your country....................
Another opportunity ,,,
For all blood drives listed below, participants will receive 1 Redskins ticket* to an upcoming game! Attend a blood drive with family, friends or colleagues and head out to the game together!


Redskins Donation Opportunities

Friday, October 1, 2010
10 am - 6 pm

Glenwood Community Center
2400 Route 97, Cooksville, MD 21723

Holiday Inn Capitol Discovery II
550 C Street SW, Washington, DC 20024

Call 1-800-RED CROSS or click on one of the drives above to register now!
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