Read any Good Books Lately?


The Legend
Feb 1, 2010
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Waynesboro, VA
Alma Mater
James Madison
I got a Kindle not long ago, and have been downloading stuff left and right. Just finished "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo":

Good read, kind of a murder/mystery. Also finished Shutter Island and Mystic River by Dennis Lehane.

Both were outstanding, and no, I haven't seen either movie, so I have nothing to report there.

Lastly, read the Lovely Bones:

Interesting book, kind of a psychological study, but didn't go deep enough for me.

Anyway, anyone else? I figure we can add to this as the months go on and get a list of good books. :)
Just finished "Ghost Wars". SHF had been recommending that for years, just never had time to read the whole thing.
I am the type to have 2 or 3 books going at once, ADHD. LOL!

Sarge, I am currently reading Ghost Wars by Steve Coll. How was that read for you having been to Afghanistan? I was assigned that book in my Central Asia course in College 2 years ago and am just now reading it (Got a B in the class and did not read any of the 6 books completely). Actually, I am reading several of the books I never read when I was taking the classes. Haha!

I have been reading Ghost Wars off and on for about 6 months.. I am just about to finish up Ancient Rome by Paul Zoch. And I am getting ready to read the Mongols by David Morgan.
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I am the type to have 2 or 3 books going at once, ADHD. LOL!

Sarge, I am currently reading Ghost Wars by Steve Coll. How was that read for you having been to Afghanistan? I was assigned that book in my Central Asia course in College 2 years ago and am just now reading it (Got a B in the class and did not read any of the 6 books completely). Actually, I am reading several of the books I never read when I was taking the classes. Haha!

I have been reading Ghost Wars off and on for about 6 months.. I am just about to finish up Ancient Rome by Paul Zoch. And I am getting ready to read the Mongols by David Morgan.

For me, it was a hard book to read. Not because it was poorly written or anything, but because of my military involvement in that part of the world from Desert Storm forward. Frankly, I'm sick of all things middle east. I've been retired for almost four years now and don't miss it a bit.

But I did want to read it just to fill me in on the history of the area. Learned a few things I didn't know, which is the one of the purposes of reading, but it pretty much re-enforced what I had already seen and knew.

I would recommend it to someone who is not familiar with the history of the area/people.
For an alternative view on the War on Terror, I suggest reading "3 Cups of Tea." The US would be a better place if that was required reading.
For an alternative view on the War on Terror, I suggest reading "3 Cups of Tea." The US would be a better place if that was required reading.

Sounds interesting, good reviews on Amazon. Just downloaded it, will let you know when I'm done.
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I am just finishing one of the best 'combat' books I've ever read, 'The Last Stand of Fox Company' by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin. It's about Fox Company, 2nd Bn, 7th Marines, the company that defended a hill for a week near the Chosin Reservoir during the Korean War. They were outnumbered by 10-1 and still managed to hold off the Chinese long enough to allow thousands of their fellow Marines and soldiers to escape disaster. It's an incredible book. What these guys went through is beyond belief.
Hmmm, sounds good too Boone. Not sure which one to read first. Also have The Big Short about the Wall Street collapse. Too many choices...
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Not sure how good it is as far as an entertainment, but it is invaluable in my future endeavors:

The Official LSAT SuperPrep
The Champion of LSAT Preparation.
On a roll! This is what happens when i have to stay home,e with a sick three year old two days in a row.

Just finished The Big Short about the housing collapse:

Reads like a screenplay almost, entertaining and nauseating at the same time. Really removes any last remaining vestige of the idea that the Wall Street traders know what the **** they are doing. Or that they know that much more than you or me. Sure, they have the arcane language and acronyms that confuse us, but once you get past that, it's appalling to think about the decisions they were enabled to make with other people's money.

Boone, I think your book is next.
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I am just finishing one of the best 'combat' books I've ever read, 'The Last Stand of Fox Company' by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin. It's about Fox Company, 2nd Bn, 7th Marines, the company that defended a hill for a week near the Chosin Reservoir during the Korean War. They were outnumbered by 10-1 and still managed to hold off the Chinese long enough to allow thousands of their fellow Marines and soldiers to escape disaster. It's an incredible book. What these guys went through is beyond belief.

Just finished this myself Boone. Excellent read, tears in my eyes at the end. Incredible story.
Reading "The Omnivore's Dilemma" right now. Its about processed food and factory farms, and what you're really eating when you eat this stuff. Also about the role of corn and soy in our food chain (they are in almost all processed foods in one form or another). I wouldn't recommend it if you don't want to be a little grossed out about what you've been eating all this time...
Reading "The Omnivore's Dilemma" right now. Its about processed food and factory farms, and what you're really eating when you eat this stuff. Also about the role of corn and soy in our food chain (they are in almost all processed foods in one form or another). I wouldn't recommend it if you don't want to be a little grossed out about what you've been eating all this time...

My wife is working on this, says it is excellent. I recently finished In Defense of Food by the same author, along the same lines, good read also.
I recommend any book by the author Brad Meltzer. He does a lot of political/mystery/fiction stories, a lot like Grisham novels. I've been flying through them for a few months now and think I've about exhausted his work. I've enjoyed all his books though, they're fast reads and keep me very entertained.

Another great book I read about a year and a half ago was "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down." It's the true story of a Hmong immigrant child living in central California who has epilepsy. The story focuses, however, on the communication issues between the physicians and the Hmong refugee family. It's a very interesting, and tear-jerking, look at clashes between different cultural mindsets. I don't know, the book made me cry, but i absolutely loved it.

Just finished "Ghost Wars". SHF had been recommending that for years, just never had time to read the whole thing.
How'd you like it? I read it a few years back and found it really fascinating.
Believe it or not, the unabridged edition of Arabian Nights, translated by Richard Francis Burton.

I was very pleasantly surprised.

Right now, I'm plowing through any Terry Pratchett books that I can get my hands on....

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