Rant Thread


The Legend
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Waynesboro, VA
Alma Mater
James Madison
You know what I hate? When I am doing business with someone and they screw me. I frickin' hate that. Don't tell me you are looking forward to working with me, are excited about our products and services, then sign with someone else and not have the freaking balls to call me yourself. Man up, stop telling your secretary to deliver the bad news.

And don't promise that you are going to look at both companies, then go with my competition without meeting with me. If you want to go with them, fine, but don't lie to me and tell me I will have a chance when you have no intention of giving me a chance.

And for the love of Pete, do NOT sign a contract with me, then look offended when I remind you that you signed that contract when you tell me you want to switch companies.


Not a great day for me at work, can ya tell?

Anyway, feel free to add your own rant. Blow off some steam, and allow us all to either comiserate, or laugh at you. :)
Damn man, that sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. I completely feel your pain. In landscaping, **** like this was almost common.

We had a guy my last year who had been a customer since 1994. He was retired as a big wig from Norfolk Southern, so anyone with any knowledge on the subject realizes the guy was loaded.

So he lived in a modest house, drove Volvos, didn't really flaunt his money at all. However, when we would do a huge job, multiple days, and make that **** look absolutely perfect (to some degrees a major flaw of ours, because we made things too perfect) he would raise hell when he got the bill, even when we cut him a break.

He had us mulch his beds one time. It took 52 yards of mulch. If you don't know, that's a **** load of mulch. Picture an 18 wheeler, then fill it with mulch. Anyway, we spent 3 days, 8 hours each with no lunch, making it look better than it ever had before. Not to mention the fact we spent 6 hours cleaning the beds out before we started. So he gets the bill, and it was $2,250. I assure you that is more than a huge break on the price, considering the mulch alone at our cost was $1,350. So he basically got 30 hours of labor for $900. This is well below the going rate of $50-$75 an hour in this area.

He bitched and complained for 3 months before paying the bill. Then he had a massive composite deck put in, and had the gall to tell us it only cost him $14,000. I never wanted to bitch slap somebody so hard in my life.

Fast forward to my last year. He fires us, because as he put it - he was going to do his yard himself, because the bad economy was hurting his bottom line. Understandable, but the guy was 75, so we knew he was full of ****.

Wouldn't you know it, 2 weeks later when we are driving by his house on the way to another yard, he had a crew full of Mexican workers doing his yard. No surprise, but at least man up and don't bull**** me asshole.
Uh ... you don't remodel bathrooms, do you Goal?

If so ... sorry I went with the other guys. :)
Uh ... you don't remodel bathrooms, do you Goal?

If so ... sorry I went with the other guys. :)

And you chose to tell over a frickin' message board?!?!? Sonnofabeotch!

Things are a little better today, haven't had any cancelations, just having a hard time convincing anyone to book right as school is ending...

G, what kind of business are you in or own/run?

I work for Lifetouch, thelargest portrait company in the world (sorry, contractually obligated to say that). I work for the church division, we produce the pictorial and online directories you may have seen. I manage a photo team and predominantly go to the churches ahead of time to sell them on using us instead of the bad guys and then help them set up the program.

Pretty fun, actually. And believe it or not, in this economy, our sales are actually better than they were when things were more stable.
I work for Lifetouch, thelargest portrait company in the world (sorry, contractually obligated to say that). I work for the church division, we produce the pictorial and online directories you may have seen. I manage a photo team and predominantly go to the churches ahead of time to sell them on using us instead of the bad guys and then help them set up the program.

Pretty fun, actually. And believe it or not, in this economy, our sales are actually better than they were when things were more stable.

I wish I could work with you! :betterwink:
I hate how a lot of times when I go to the store, I have to drop what I'm doing and leave. The lights do something to me. I don't know if it's an effect the light has on my eyes, or if it's an effect the buzzing sound they emit has on my ears.

At least once a month or so when I'm in a store, I will be suddenly overcome with this extreme dizziness/nausea/lightheadedness. The second I get out the door, it's all gone. I have told a lot of people about this, and about a third of the people I know have the same problem.

Does anyone know what causes this?
I hate Houston drivers. They are the worst in the country, by FAR. Typically seen on a daily basis in Houston:

At least 2-3 drivers going 60mph in the left-hand lane (ILLEGAL, and UBER-ANNOYING!)

At least 1 driver making a "Houston lane-change" across 4 lanes

At least a billion drivers changing lanes with zero regard to anyone close to them ("I'm coming, ready or not!)

Every driver tapping their brakes at every opportunity, especially at overpasses. ("OMG, there's a slight hill and I can't see what's on the other side, I have to BRAKE IMMEDIATELY!")

Traffic jams for no reason (well, the reason is over-excited brake-tappers caused by drivers 1-3)

I do not carry a gun in my car, because I would probably use it on my fellow commuters. IDIOTS.
I hate Houston drivers. They are the worst in the country, by FAR. Typically seen on a daily basis in Houston:

At least 2-3 drivers going 60mph in the left-hand lane (ILLEGAL, and UBER-ANNOYING!)

At least 1 driver making a "Houston lane-change" across 4 lanes

At least a billion drivers changing lanes with zero regard to anyone close to them ("I'm coming, ready or not!)

Every driver tapping their brakes at every opportunity, especially at overpasses. ("OMG, there's a slight hill and I can't see what's on the other side, I have to BRAKE IMMEDIATELY!")

Traffic jams for no reason (well, the reason is over-excited brake-tappers caused by drivers 1-3)

I do not carry a gun in my car, because I would probably use it on my fellow commuters. IDIOTS.

Houston? I thought what you're describing was considered normal driving behavior. :)

I found a slide show of the worst cities in America for crash rates expressed as liklihood of being in a car crash compared to the national average per a study done by Allstate Insurance.
Who's the worst?

Washington D.C.-95.5% more liikely to be involved in a car crash here than the national average.

Slideshow link:http://www.businessinsider.com/cities-with-most-car-crashes-2010-10#

http://www.allstatenewsroom.com/releases/4654-sixth-annual-allstate-america Link at page bottom to downloadable PDF file of complete report

Houston didn't make the top 16. They came in at #39 at 29.5% above the national average.

I have heard that their drivers generally suck though from people I've known from the Houston area.
Well, check out the amount of Texas cities in the bottom 50 - definitely the most of any state. The only reason Houston isn't further up the list is because the state is so big, the idiots are spread out more widely. At least that's my totally unscientific theory. :)
Well, check out the amount of Texas cities in the bottom 50 - definitely the most of any state. The only reason Houston isn't further up the list is because the state is so big, the idiots are spread out more widely. At least that's my totally unscientific theory. :)


I cannot say one way or the other since I have never driven in Houston, but 95 in South Florida in winter is full of the grey hairs in the fast lane going 55. Is it worse than them? You've been there too...

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