I was referring to the attempted reboot of ES site.No that would be Warpath. My first excersion outside of ES.
I was referring to the attempted reboot of ES site.No that would be Warpath. My first excersion outside of ES.
Yeah, but you would expect that for a new board. It takes time to gather members. But the thing about that board is it's about as vanilla as it can get. It's like they're making it boring on purpose. And it's awkward. I looked at it four weeks ago, and I looked at it yesterday. It looks exactly the same, i.e. plain, dull, lifeless, no imagination. Also, why would one try to create a Redskins board from scratch when there are already plenty of good ones, particularly this one?Ghost town imo.
Yeah, but you would expect that for a new board. It takes time to gather members. But the thing about that board is it's about as vanilla as it can get. It's like they're making it boring on purpose. And it's awkward. I looked at it four weeks ago, and I looked at it yesterday. It looks exactly the same, i.e. plain, dull, lifeless, no imagination. Also, why would one try to create a Redskins board from scratch when there are already plenty of good ones, particularly this one?
I said, "I used to think"...It's time I step up and defend meteorologists. I keep track and they are pretty damned right 95% of the time, like a long snapper people only remember when they screw up. And given how weather is so unpredictable I think they do an amazing job.
I agree people are too damned cautious. Like my wife for instance. If I question something, I will give it a sniff and trust my nose. But I would not deliberately keep meat out in the danger zone for more than a few hours. The danger zone is 40 to 140.45 on the porch would have been fine. Hell I leave a pot of spaghetti or chili on the stove overnight and heat some for dinner the following day and we've never gotten sick. I've had food poisoning, it was more painful than my ruptured appendix so I'm not reckless. But people are too damned cautious.
I agree people are too damned cautious. Like my wife for instance. If I question something, I will give it a sniff and trust my nose. But I would not deliberately keep meat out in the danger zone for more than a few hours. The danger zone is 40 to 140.
If you ever want to test just how genetically hard-wired our perceptions of beauty and attraction are, have the object of your desire shave their eyebrows completely off.
My wife routine throws out everything in our fridge and cabinets if it hits an ‘expiration date’. I cannot break her of it.
My girl is Latina. She does not shave her eyebrows but she definitely paints them. And she puts on the extensions on the eyelashes. And she does the full body wax thing. Also the hair and the nails. Thank God I make good money otherwise I would have to drive an Uber at night! LOL!
Sorry, total quote snafu. It's early, and I'm happy because I got really super good news about the sale of my house yesterday.It's called "keeping your ends done". That's funny, hubby used to say I spent more time in salons than at home! Me being in the restaurant biz, my hair, face and nails had to be perfect. (He paid all of the bills, I took care of everything else.)
We have a house in the Philippines, I have a large amount of canned foods in my storage there because sometimes you can't find a certain item so I stockpiled cans, my wifes family threw it all out a couple years ago because they saw that the date was expired.
I tried to explain to her that canned items are good long past the expiration date but she still wants to tell me that they did the right thing.
I don't like it when my wife throws my stuff out. Why can't she talk to me first? Is that too much to ask???
Thanks for the knowledge.Yeah. I don't like it when my wife throws my stuff out. Why can't she talk to me first? Is that too much to ask??? A house in the PI huh? Pretty cool. I've done leave there. San Miguel is damn delicious. A lot of retired Navy move to the PI. You can live like a king on a few dollars.
We should. I've got canned stuff that I bought in the initial covid rush for groceries, and I ain't worried. Used a can of mushroom soup that was at least 2 years out of date and I was fine...but I've been in the food/bev biz for 40 years.Maybe we should start a support group?