jimmie johnson doesnt have a clue? he is in the racing business, he has friends in the indy circuit and im sure he knows a little more than you give him credit for.
you dog what he says and then back up what he says. he said they go too fast and dont have the chance to react when giong that fast. he said they should race street and courses like that.
geezus man..you sound like youre all bitter because someone is looking out for his fellow racer.
Has Jimmie Johnson run in an open wheeled Indy or F1 car ? There different worlds from Stock cars. I take nothing away from NASCAR, and stock car racing or the drivers. I give him a lot of credit as a stock car racer, and nothing more. By your standard, he must be well schooled on motorcycle racing because he drives a stock car, or has a friend who races bikes ?
Johnson gave a knee jerk reactional statement. I'm not bitter in the least, and would never be for one guy looking out for another. Just like many here are students of the sport of football, I'm a student of motorsports, and open wheeled in particular. I've lived for the sport since I knew what racing was. I love football, but know Indy cars and motorcycle racing better then most. I understand the technical aspects down to the metallurgical level.
His statement was broad, and somewhat uninformed. Sure, he doesn't want to see people hurt, nobody does. But to say they should only run road and street courses... That would be like taking the best through breads in the world, and letting them only run on a muddy 1/4 mile track.... Cancel the Kentucky Derby because a horse got injured. Maybe limit motorcycle racing to only 70MPH because there's no protection. Racing is the quest for speed.
As for backing him up, I'm guessing that you're referring to me saying they slowed down Indy cars back in the 80's. They realized the speeds were getting ( 232 MPH if memory serves me) too fast, even on suitable tracks for the technology available at the time. Twenty + years ago, the tire technology was primitive compared to today. Even the areo packages and chassis were crude compared to today. They had to slow them down then. As the saying goes, that was then, this is now. If you think that's backing him after dogging him, so be it. You're entitled to your opinion.
Today, the cars run in the 220's safely all the time on super speedways. Again, it's not the cars, or the drivers being able to react, the track was the problem. Anybody who gets behind the wheel, or swings their leg over a the seat of a race bike knows exactly what the risk is. This isn't football, with players yacking about putting their livelihood on the line. Racers flirt with a violent death for a living every time they go to work.
People get hurt... people die. While it's unfortunate, it's part of the game.
Johnsons statement was a knee jerk reaction to a tragic loss.