Pro Bowl drops ball with another Fletcher snub


The 1st Round Pick
Jul 16, 2009
Reaction score

London Fletcher was right. He is the Susan Lucci of the NFL.

The Washington Redskins linebacker should have been chosen to his first Pro Bowl this season, and I thought he was a dead-bolt cinch. Then I forgot: It's Fletcher. There's a better chance of it snowing in Phoenix than Fletcher making the Pro Bowl, and don't ask me why.

"He should've made it the last three years," said Vinny Cerrato, Washington's former executive director of football operations.

I don't know about that, but I do know he should've made it last season and didn't. And he should have made it this season and didn't. And now I'm beginning to wonder what the league, its players and its fans have against one of the hardest-working, most reliable and most productive players in the business.

It'll be interesting to see what happens if the guy never makes it.

It's possible. He's getting up there. A little slower, a little less powerful.

Not sure the NFL wouldn't want to honor him somehow.
As much as I would like to see London in the HOF, I think his chances are somewhere between slim and none if he doesn't make a pro bowl. None the less, his being omitted is outrageous.
First off, and foremost, I am an Eagles fan. So I get to see London Fletcher play twice a year. It is inconcievable to me that Fletcher was left off this team. I thought he was the best LB in the NFC this year, bar none. PHL played the 49ers, and Patrick Willis was a non-entity that game. I didn't realize he was even playing. PHL played the Saints, too, and Jonathan Vilma did nothing remarkable THAT game. So I have to ask how much more these guys did, in their other games, that made them the picks instead of Fletcher. For the record, the Eagles played the Bears too, and Lance Briggs wasn't much of a factor. When the Eagles played the Redskins, Fletcher was EVERYWHERE! The article cites one of his games, but he was THE WASH defense in both of the games I saw.

Yeah my team got 6 slots, and most of them deserve it (Jason Peters had a good year, but not as good as Winston Justice). I really have to wonder how these picks get made. I don't like detracting from Willis, Briggs or Vilma either, but I just don't think they had the kind of year that Fletcher did.

So thanks! to Clark for jumping on this obvious case of snubbery and foolishness.

From an Eagle fan. Wow.
If not the pro bowl, he should eventually be in the HOF.

As much as I would like to see London in the HOF, I think his chances are somewhere between slim and none if he doesn't make a pro bowl. None the less, his being omitted is outrageous.

I'm pretty sure that to be considered for the HOF, you must make at least one pro-bowl.
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Fletcher should send a thank you card to Vinny and Dan. With a half decent team he would have been elected.
Count me as the only Redskins fan that does not think Fletcher is a pro-bowler. I think he is a very good player, who falls short of the pro bowl. He is also a better leader than a player, and is the type of player you need on your team. If we had 53 London Fletchers, we'd be in good shape.

But, he's not an elite player. He doesn't make near enough tackles for loss (despite a million tackles), nor does he cause turnovers in any way.

I love the guy, but he's, IMO, not a pro-bowler, or a HOFer.
Vilma was awful against the run in 2009.

In terms of tunovers and tackles for a loss I think you need to look at the entire defensive system as a limiting factor for Fletcher.

Blache ran a conservative scheme that called for read and react on the part of the line and linebackers, the attack mentality you see in Pitt and Philly has never been part of Blache's makeup.

Is it a coincidence that other players with a history of racking up those kinds of stats, Haynesworth and Hall, didn't do so in Washington this year?

Again, please explain how Vilma outplayed Fletcher this season as a middle backer.

The Redskins, Falcons and Cowboys ran the ball quite well on him the past few weeks.
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