Predict the Axe Contest


The Commissioner
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BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
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Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
Alma Mater
The BGO member who most closely predicts the date/time of the Jim Zorn firing from an 'official source' will win a BGO hat. They are sexy, attractive, and utilitarian :)


BGO reserves the right to identify the winning date/time based on the first 'official' announcements (that could come from a major news media outlet, or the Redskins themselves).

Guess away.
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I predict Zorn will be fired at 9:01am EST, Monday morning.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
Announced or actually occurring?

I think it has already happened!

It will be announced at 4:00pm EST. just in time for the major evening news feeds.
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I'm guessing they will schedule a news conference for 10 AM and the official announcement will come at 10:01 AM ET

I guess if I had read a little closer I would have had that answer and not wasted 3o seconds of your life, huh? I'll see if i can't make that up to you in the future.:moon:
I think we all assume it'll be Monday. We're looking for minutes/seconds :)
official announcement 10:45AM (I'd say 10:30, but Shi got here first)

press conference 12:25 PM (right around when Zorn has his weekly post-game presser).

all on Monday 1/4/2010
Monday morning 9 am. Followed immediately by the announcement of who we've hired to replace him.
I think that Dan Snyder forces Jim Zorn to go through the motions of having his usual post-game press conference, then fires him as soon as it’s over. So I predict Monday at 2:15 pm.
I think that Dan Snyder forces Jim Zorn to go through the motions of having his usual post-game press conference, then fires him as soon as it’s over. So I predict Monday at 2:15 pm.

I pray Danny spares us that exercise in futility.
Lindsay Czarniak reported at 4:38 am - Zorn fired overnight.

Being reported at 5 am on NBC4 Washington.

Ok, I lost this contest. However, I am the first one to report it at BGO. Sure would love to have one of those caps. :biggrin2:

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