Possible Site Glitches and Issues

Twitter has done something on their end that is resulting in embedded tweets not showing up. I have found that if you refresh the page a few times they will eventually show up. I am investigating what, if anything, we can do to fix this but it may not be possible. Sorry - I know we love to share breaking news via tweets...

This may just turn out to be some kind of 'lag' issue on Twitter that resolves, we'll just have to see.
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Looks like this is a Twitter issue. Even a lot of embeds on Twitter itself are not showing up. Hopefully it gets sorted soon.
I think I have solved the Twitter embed issue, but please verify that for me when you get the chance.
I made a change in the BGO Classic style today. When a forum has an unread or new post in it, not the forum name AND the forum icon (symbol) will be bolded. Previously those were lighter with new posts which didn’t make intuitive sense and didn’t match how we had the BGO Dark style set up. They are consistent now.
I did find one issue post-template cleanup. The home page feature slider with the thread images isn’t showing the full image on phone view. I have let our guy know so he can look at it before he signs off.
Issue is resolved
I have been getting this page several times a day on my ipad for a few weeks now. Any ideas?

Well, that’s simply the site not loading completely for whatever reason. I have seen it at least once as well. Chris - if you would let me know if it persists I would appreciate it so I can discuss with our server host.
I've had to refresh a bunch since the draft. I thought it was volume, but it seems to still be happening a bit. Biggest symptom is the What's New page and Alerts won't load. A refresh or two usually solves the problem.
We have been under a bot attack so that is likely taxing the server
I've had that happen a bunch of times during different periods.

Best I can tell, the site gets hung up loading Moderator functions and shows us more of the roots of the site?

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