Players to loose health insurance March 4th

Miles Monroe

The Owner's Favorite
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Joe Gibbs Club Member
Jul 15, 2009
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Cape Coral Fl
Disappointed the owners have decided not to continue our health insurance past march 4. All the talk about player safety and health and it seems money is all that matters. We usually have health insurance for a calender yr starting when a player makes the team in september. Players have sick kids and babies on the way and now our health insurance is being cut with very short notice. Frustrating.

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While I understand it's frustrating, I really can't shed a tear over this. While there's a lot of players like Doughty in the league not making top dollar, hundreds of thousands of people in this country who make a fraction of the league vet min. have lost their health coverage in the past few years. With the money many players make, I'm a bit angered that this is even an issue, even knowing Doughty's situation.

Welcome to the real world, oh Gods of the Gridiron...
It's also a tactic being used to pressure players into telling union leaders to settle sooner. They all should have seen it coming, and prepared for it. I'm sure, just like any other employee, they won't lose their benefits right away, as long as they pay for it out of their own pockets

Like the Boy Scout motto says, be prepared.

And stop complaining.
Basically the owners and players union are playing a high stakes chess match. We, the fans, are the pawns.
The owners have their money and will continue to get more. The players are paid very well and enjoy benefits the average person will never have. Like Ryman, it's hard to feel but so sorry for either side.

What is lost in all this is without us (the fans) there wouldn't be as much money as involved.
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Problem is both sides want more money. Ultimately it costs the fans in price of tickets and merchandise.

The TV money is a large part, but without fans the TV money wouldn't be there.
Problem is both sides want more money. Ultimately it costs the fans in price of tickets and merchandise.

The TV money is a large part, but without fans the TV money wouldn't be there.

Actually, its the owners who want more money. They are the ones who opted out of the current agreement - they want more than the current $1B operating money they are getting from the $6B per year income. Players were happy with the deal they had in place.

I think they'll come to some sort of agreement; they have to. There is just too much money that will be left on the table if they go through with the lockout. One side will just remains to be seen which side.
Temp deal or not, the players aren't the ones asking for more money as I stated. Its a very good deal for the players, but if the owners didn't like it, they shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place (I read that there were only two owners opposing the deal - Ralph Wilson and someone else).
Nice piece by Sally Jenkins that Jimbo posted in the NFL Forum. Hard to feel sorry for either side. Would be nice to think in this economy that either side gave a damn that the rest of us are struggling a hell of a lot more than they are.
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Temp deal or not, the players aren't the ones asking for more money as I stated. Its a very good deal for the players, but if the owners didn't like it, they shouldn't have agreed to it in the first place (I read that there were only two owners opposing the deal - Ralph Wilson and someone else).

Lanky, thats the point, the owners went with this deal as a band aid, there was never any intention of this being a long term deal and the owners were open about that. so the union knew that going in.
I'm sure they will have the chance for COBRA benefits like most people who lose their insurance from an employment issue, it's costly, hope they saved.
Lanky, thats the point, the owners went with this deal as a band aid, there was never any intention of this being a long term deal and the owners were open about that. so the union knew that going in.

Okay, but please re-read what I wrote: Its not the players asking for more money. Whether or not it was meant to be a band-aid or permanent, that fact stands true. That's all I said.

Man you love to argue!

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