Play calling or perfect storm?

The fact the he has been with the team for all of 3 weeks and put up 17 points against the Eagles, as well as throwing TDs in the redzone, says a lot. Zorn could only put up 6 against the worst D in the league.

Not that the play calling is really the main issue, but this showed that it can be improved as well.
We put up 17 points against the Giants too, as well as throwing a TD in the redzone.

I don't think it was THAT much of an improvement.
We put up 17 points against the Giants too, as well as throwing a TD in the red zone.

I don't think it was THAT much of an improvement.

It definitely was not much of an improvement, and we cant really take anything from it. But while I think execution is the biggest issue, this is making me start to wonder if Zorn's play-calling wasn't that great either.

I mean this guy was with us for 3 weeks and he called a game just as good if not better than Zorn did.

If Moss doesn't drop that TD that's another 7 and another TD in the Red zone.
And if Rabach actually snaps the ball to the QB Devin Thomas was open again in the back of the end zone, another possible TD.

There just seemed to be more chances and better opportunities in the red zone with Sherman calling the plays than Zorn. Though 1 game isn't much to go on, and we only scored 17 points.

This whole team is a mess.
The really bizarre thing to me is that only the Saints have put more points on the board than the Redskins did against the Eagles so far:

Philly 39-Carolina 10

New Orleans 48-Philly 22

Philly 34-K.C.14

Philly 33 Tampa Bay 14

Oakland 13-Philly 9

Philly 27-Washington 17
The really bizarre thing to me is that only the Saints have put more points on the board than the Redskins did against the Eagles so far:

Philly 39-Carolina 10

New Orleans 48-Philly 22

Philly 34-K.C.14

Philly 33 Tampa Bay 14

Oakland 13-Philly 9

Philly 27-Washington 17

It's not that bizarre. Look at those other teams: Carolina, KC, Tampa, Oakland. Four of the worst teams in the league.
The really bizarre thing to me is that only the Saints have put more points on the board than the Redskins did against the Eagles so far:

Philly 39-Carolina 10

New Orleans 48-Philly 22

Philly 34-K.C.14

Philly 33 Tampa Bay 14

Oakland 13-Philly 9

Philly 27-Washington 17

All that means is that they've played a lot of crappy teams. :)

Philly scored more points against us than anyone else we've played. That must have been a hell of a barn-burner we saw last night. :)
Yeah, but putting it a bit more obliquely-which was kinda my intent-only us, Oakland, and the Saints have held the Eagles under 30 points. Basically, the game looked way uglier than the final score indicated-on both sides. Frankly, I was expecting a 27 point blowout by the Eagles and was just surprised that the final score was as close as it was.

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