Ping! - Renaissance, Keeastman, MissU28, Candace, Blondie, Huly

Burgundy Burner

The Commissioner
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Oct 1, 2009
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Alma Mater
Elisabeth - Cute Christmas pic. Interesting outfits. Stay warm.

Katie - Feeling the chill? Must've been windy that day. Nice smile.

Robin - Cool sunglasses. Bright smile. Very nice.

Candace - So photogenic. Great smile. Feeling the warmth.

Blondie - That pic looks great, makes you look ten years younger (23?).

Christie - Great smile as always. Chris has really aged though.
BB casting into the cattails of the interwebz again. I wonder if he'll get any nibbles. :laugh:
I don't get it. But hey, I'm always a half step behind :)
Ping initially brings two false returns. That happens sometimes.
I'd like to have one if you have a spare. My daughter's bday is next month.
I don't get it. But hey, I'm always a half step behind :)

I don't get it either...although my guess is that he's taking facebook stalking to a whole new level, and posting about it on another internet venue. You're supposed to keep those things private, BB!
A lecture in a completely fun thread? Let's not take things to another place's level. Now, if I had some sort of rep, then...but I don't. If I want to be abused, I'll go back to other places.

Well, this thread is now ruined.

What is Ping? Are you all talking about the iTunes thing? I have no idea what it is or how it works. Any help?
When you "ping" on a computer, you are looking for the presence of an active connection to another computer, a device, a network, etc. In this manner of humor, I was "pinging" them and looking for a response to see if they are "out there somewhere".
Oh. I feel dumb now, thanks.

Is that like a ping on sonar for submarines? And yes, the only reason I know about this at all is due to Red October. :)
Dumb? Nah. It was a good question.

On subs, or anything that uses sonar, pinging can serve as a form of communication, navigation, or locating something.
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Mike, I'm sure that you have some (if not all) that are listed as friends.
I'm gonna start calling this the Quentin Tarrantino thread. :kick_can::juggle::beam:
When you "ping" on a computer, you are looking for the presence of an active connection to another computer, a device, a network, etc. In this manner of humor, I was "pinging" them and looking for a response to see if they are "out there somewhere".

seems to me they had ICMP blocked! Get any "host unreachable" feedback?....:blush:

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