Puh lease..gibbs was intimidated by riggo and we all know it.
He's all radio host now and nothing more.
How many chances did manley get? I love how albert is the devil but somehow we all forget how dexter flunked out of the nfl. Love him, right?
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I don't understand, how was Gibbs intimidated by Riggo? I thought that after "first contact" with Riggo, Gibbs was all ready to trade the nut job but eventually warmed up to the guy once he got to know him.
Agree with the radio hosts thing generally on all counts, controversy to garner those "clicks on web" and tuners-in is the MO. Seems to work well doesn't it.
Riggo is nothing more than one of those now, so what. His opinions are worth as little as anyone else's yet he's still collecting coin to offer them up and the fans appear to support this genre of show.
He's now an old fart, settled into his ways and not afraid to opine those ways relative to current mindset of the NFL but cut him some slack, he's been there and done that in an era where flamboyance, chest thumping and me first attitude was much less appreciated and not accepted as status quo.
Yeah, Manley was/is a mis-educated headcase/addict but we didn't mind when he was performing and I don't believe most were aware of his situation until he started to flunk out of the NFL. Any sympathy for him is a PC thing, he's a "victim of circumstance", he lacks self-control and makes mistakes because of it.
Are there any circumstances relating to AH that might assuage the perception of his petulant and selfish behavior?
AH is smart enough to play the system and leverage his considerable talent for maximum benefit to himself.
No problem with that, it's representative of the mercenary aspect of free agency but somewhere along the line he needs to acknowledge the team part of the equation and at least pretend to be a Redskin.
Now that AH is actually here and his fear-of-misuse is reportedly waining maybe he'll buy-in. He's passed "the test" and should be on the way to tearing down any fences of ill-will between he and his mates.
Whether he is coachable and trainable enough to become a "chief worth his weight in gold" under the new command remains to be seen, let's hope so 'cause team Redskins would be better for it.