As for Santana, I think the injury thing might definitely have made it a temptation. He doesn't sound like an innocent guy in those comments, does he?
Still can't believe it was Moss.
BigMikeSkinsFan says:
May 20, 2010 11:44 AM
"I'll talk about football. I don't know about nothing else. I ain't got nothing to do with nothing that ain't about me."
My man!! Show that college edumacation!!
I cant believe he actually went to college. Im not shocked he would do something like that but how he did it and STILL was sub par is beyond me.
No, he sure didn't. I guess it's a little unfair to have thrown Tiger's name out there but if he's been linked to this doctor, even if it's for legitimate reasons, people are going to suspect something is up.
Be that as it may, it's still a banned substance that he and every other player in the NFL knew was banned. Therefore, it's still cheating, and it's still inexcusable."This has nothing to do with getting stronger, faster, more explosive. This is 100% about healing an injury"
With HGH, I think it's pretty much all about healing as far as the NFL is concerned. It's supposedly illegal in the NFL yet they don't test for it. Why not just make it legal for any player who is trying to recover from injuries. Let the team doctors dictate who gets it and who doesn't.
It may not justify Moss' actions to some of you, but Rick Maese had an interview with Bill Romanowski, who had some interesting quotes:
"Dr. Galea is pioneer in athletic injury recovery.Doctors & trainers should be lining up to learn his sports recovery."
"This has nothing to do with getting stronger, faster, more explosive. This is 100% about healing an injury"
Romanowski said any HGH used was minuscule amount. Said if 3 glasses of wine is too much to drive, amount Galea used is like drop on tongue.
"This isn’t Victor Conte and BALCO labs. This is a world-renowned doctor who works with some of the top people in the world."
Romanowski doesnt condone Galea breaking the law but said the science and treatments offered to athletes was best available.
All quotes from Rick Maese.
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