PFT: Randle El: Dan Snyder held Jim Zorn back


In the days following Jim Zorn's firing, not many people stuck up for his coaching abilities, outside of saying what a nice guy he was. Former Redskins receiver Antwaan Randle El, however, says Zorn never really got a fair chance...

Is it so hard for Dan to just go away, and only sign checks?

Football decisions obviously aren't his thing.

It appears he is doing so with Shanahan and Allen, but will this start up again after they are gone?
I did get a good laugh from one of the commenters on PFT said about ARE after the article:

# rickvaldez says: July 18, 2010 2:46 PM

Who was the invisible man holding him back when he caught a punt. Has to be the reason he danced for 3 yards and fell down.

Sad, but true
There is no context here so the PFT piece is meaningless.

I'm not going to spend a lot of time defending Dan because he's made a lot of mistakes but as is, this dog don't hunt. Without specifics it's impossible to make a judgment on anything Randle El says.
I don't give a crap iof it's true or not. I am so freakin sick and tired of spoiled brat players running their mouths like Cowards AFTER they leave and take literally millions of Dan Snyder's dollars. If it was such a problem then show you have a set and speak up BEFORE you leave, don't do it from the cover of another team's roster. Otherwise it comes off as sour grapes even if founded in truth. It's also a classless, unprofessional, spineless way of going about things. No one forced him to come and stay and take millions for being arguably the worst kick returner this team has seen in my lifetime (I'll be 40 this year). He should be grateful he was so dramatically overpaid and just go play for Pittsburgh and be happy about it.
I’m going to miss Randle El. When he got cut I lost half my sport bar comedy material.
I’m going to miss Randle El. When he got cut I lost half my sport bar comedy material.

I've always referred to him as Antwan Dancing El.

If that brought you another laugh at his expense, then the time spent making this post was worth it.


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