PFT: Kyle Shanahan: McNabb was warned he could be benched


The Shanahans should probably stop talking now.Donovan McNabb's benching: The Explanation has hit day three and shows no signs of slowing down. The latest chapter was written by Redskins offensive coordinator Kyle Shanahan, who said that his father's words may...

You know, I'm starting to wonder something here. I've heard and read that McNabb, by body language and other hints, doesn't respect Shanny Jr

Wonder if this is Big Shan's way of correcting that?
You know, I'm starting to wonder something here. I've heard and read that McNabb, by body language and other hints, doesn't respect Shanny Jr

Wonder if this is Big Shan's way of correcting that?

He's going to correct him all the way to another city.
I will say, I like what I have heard from McNabb since Sunday. He could take the opportunity to add to the 'drama', take shots at the coaches, any number of things - but from what I've seen, he's taken the high road all the way.

Good for him.
I will say, I like what I have heard from McNabb since Sunday. He could take the opportunity to add to the 'drama', take shots at the coaches, any number of things - but from what I've seen, he's taken the high road all the way.

Good for him.

Agreed. What do you think about how the Shanahans have handled things?
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I think they have totally blundered the whole thing. It's a risk vs. reward thing - and there was no real chance of reward in making the move they made. Not only that, they've now created a big ol' mess they'll be contending with for weeks.

Not a very smart way of handling the situation from any vantage point.
Boone, i have to hand it to you. Lots of people seem to think that Shany got mad and benched him, like you suggested. And Whitlock echoes some of your thoughts about how they have handled things.

My take is that McNabb seems to be mor eof a grown up than either Shanahan at this point.
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Boone, i have to hand it to you. Lots of people seem to think that Shany got mad and benched him, like you suggested. And Whitlock echoes some of your thoughts about how they have handled things.

My take is that McNabb seems to be mor eof a grown up than either Shanahan at this point.
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Looks that way, doesn't it?

Good on McNabb
Problem is, I don't see how this doesn't screw the Shanahans. Let's face it, after looking at Fat Al and now McNabb, what free agent is going to be super excited to come play here? Yeah, we can throw more money at players than almost anyone else, but its not like that approach has worked great in the past. FanSince should be happy, this may actually require us to draft players almost exclusively. ;)

This wont play well for McNabb either. Lots of bad vibes about his practice habits, plus his (relatively) poor performance mean he may not get the huge payout in the offseason he has to want.

I can't see him returning to the Skins at this point. Which means we the fans lose. We will be stuck hoping some kid we draft is the next Manning, and not the next Shuler.

Lose/lose/lose all the way around. The Shanahans have really handled this poorly, IMO. They have made the whole situation a lot worse than it needs to be. For everyone. This should have been handled behind closed doors. There is no reason why we know as much as we do. There is no reason they keep talking. Just ensuring everyone loses more.
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This should have been handled behind closed doors. There is no reason why we know as much as we do. There is no reason they keep talking. Just ensuring everyone loses more.
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This kind of thing is what I was referring to when I posted my thoughts that this was an emotional knee-jerk reaction without thought as to probable outcomes-now they're trying to do damage control and, as you said, making matters worse. Your point about we fans knowing so much is well taken-had this been handled inside between coach and player instead of done publicly this current firestorm probably wouldn't exist.

Agreed-not handled well at all.
A lot of old school coaches, including Bill Parcells, might have benched McNabb after throwing that crucial pick. The difference is that they either wouldn't have bothered to explain their reasoning to the media or they would have just said, "He turned the ball over and we decided to go with the guy we thought wouldn't turn the ball over and would give us a spark and a chance to win". Period. End of explanation. You screwed got benched. Better luck next week.

Even though it was perfectly within their right to bench him, it's ALWAYS better to keep your reasoning to yourself and not open your statements up to speculation. Shanahan hasn't totally learned from his mistakes in Denver yet. He's probably also learned by now that Washington sure as heck ain't Denver where the media is concerned.
Hmm, seems we were just talking about Shanny's hubris when D. Thomas was released. Looks like Jr. may have the same problem as dad.

I've said before that I'm not thrilled with Shanny as erstwhile GM. However he flat out sucks as a PR Director. :(
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Even though the target seemed justified, in a way, this is no less a pissing contest than the Haynesworth saga. But, since McNabb is more liked, all of a sudden people can see Shanny's arrogant, head game playing ways.

Be it, "great football shape", or "cardiovascular endurance", it's the same mumbo jumbo speech.

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