PFT: John Harbaugh throws a few stones at the Jets, Redskins


When a team has a bull's-eye on its back, whether earned (like the Saints) or self-attached (like the Jets), their opponents bring the very best they have, every week.For example, Ravens coach John Harbaugh recently spoke to fans at a...

I can't help but literally laugh out loud at Baltimorons running city smack. And Harbaugh??? Ran over? Sans a fake punt your team got worked until the scrubs came in. Flacco had 72 yards and Rice had 17...yep it was a Juggernaut.
I thought Harbaugh was cut from slightly more refined cloth. Live and learn.
I thought Harbaugh was cut from slightly more refined cloth. Live and learn.

I blame Rex Ryan...and Tony Dungy was right. Nothing wrong with a few cuss words but gimme a break, Ryan needs to grow up a bit, he sounds like a teen who just learned the word.

And the Ravens...for an organization that has been as successful as they have the last decade they sure do harbor a lot of thin skinned insecurity. Just one more team that needs a little more "act like you've been there" mentality.
Bumping your gums about pre-season? Ok John, whatever it takes I guess.
meh. at the end of the day the Ravens don't have enough to get by either the Colts or the Pats. Their pass defense is weak and their o-line is one injury away from disaster.

talk is cheap preseason. we'll see whether all the SB chatter is merited at the end of the yr. I, for one, don't think they measure up to the best teams in the AFC just because they signed AB.
Ravens/Jets is my pick for the AFCCG this year. Both teams are going to ball this year.
I was in Western PA last weekend visiting friends. One guy says "Who are the Skins playing this weekend?" I said "Your rivals, the Ravens".

They all busted out laughing and told me that the Ravens aren't on the level of Cincy and Cleveland. Not even close.

So it got me thinking. Nobody considers Baltimore their main rival in any sport. That's kind of crazy.
The biggest rival Baltimore has is probably the Redskins, and we consider them third or fourth tier behind the other NFC East teams. Kind of sad, really.
Remember when everyone gave the Redskins ish for giving Gibbs a Gatorade bath after the Monday Night Miracle? And that game meant something!
I have to laugh about this. Whatever gets your team and fans up and going I guess. If that means you need to talk smack in the preseason so be it. Someone should tell him it was just preseason.
I have to laugh about this. Whatever gets your team and fans up and going I guess. If that means you need to talk smack in the preseason so be it. Someone should tell him it was just preseason.

I'm kinda gettin' a kick out of Harbough living in fantasy land, along with all the other Baltimorons. Reality is just down the street and around the corner. Can't wait until it smacks them upside the head.

I can't feel much antagonism toward Zorn on the Gatorade bath thing. Probably wasn't his decision and just a typical smacktalk swipe-same with Harbaugh. It's just part of the mind gaming, and given it's pre-season, essentially meaningless.

Of course I don't pay much attention to smack talk anyway. Let 'em say whatever they want.

Get on the field and show what you can do.

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