We shall see. I don't value his opinion that highly on this, or anything else for that matter. Still, any move you make like this is going to come with a certain degree of uncertainty attached to it. The Eagles almost had to make this move because of the contract situation.
I think the notion that Andy Reid was so good over the years at covering up McNabb's deficiencies is a bit of a laugher. What coach doesn't try to maximize his player's ability and put them in a position to excel? So I guess what he's saying is that Andy Reid is a better coach than Mike Shanahan? Ok, I disagree, but ok. I think he'll fit in just fine in DC and I think Shanahan will find a way to maximize his abilities. That's what good coaches do.
For all of the things the Eagle organization has done right over the years they have made their share of mistakes as well. The lack of a legitimate #1 receiver for much of McNabb's prime was just plain dumb. Recently the lack of any power running option has hurt them. Through all of this nonsense the only consistent factor had been Jim Johnson, McNabb and to me what seems as a somewhat arrogant front office. Jim is gone now and so is McNabb. I think he did about as much as could be asked with the weapons he had around him.
Glad to see "Baldy" has a grasp on the playoff picture though seeing as how it's early April and all.