Palin: We need Spudnut not Sputnik


The Hall of Famer
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Joe Gibbs Club Member
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
Florida & Finland
You really can't make this stuff up.

I can never hear a word she says. Whenever she starts talking I see her flipping her hair with 'Dream Weaver' playing in the background.

I think I have issues :)
I have to admit, she is adorable.

And the way she spells out internet abbreviations makes me weak in the knees. :)

I was certain this was going viral! If you would have told me the Birther thread would go viral and this would turn into a "Sarah is HAWT" thread, I never would have thunk it!

You guys need help!

Oh, by the way, Sarah Palin is HOT! :love:
In Charlottesville there's this place which makes donuts out of potatoes called 'Spudnuts.' I never ate there because it sounded kinda weird.
In Charlottesville there's this place which makes donuts out of potatoes called 'Spudnuts.' I never ate there because it sounded kinda weird.

I don't blame you. That term tops my list of "10 Things You Never Want To Hear Your Doctor Say."

I was certain this was going viral! If you would have told me the Birther thread would go viral and this would turn into a "Sarah is HAWT" thread, I never would have thunk it!

You guys need help!

Oh, by the way, Sarah Palin is HOT! :love:


Politics and philosophical differences aside.

I'd freakin' head up her campaign fund-raising efforts if she a.) decided to run for President, and b.) I was guaranteed an appointment as a White House intern if she won.
The answer to our economic issues-

So Obama wants the russians to beat us getting a spacecraft into space again?

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