Over Reaching Arm of the Government?


The Commissioner
Aug 1, 2009
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Alma Mater
Florida State

This may sound paranoid and LaHood is backing off these claims a little, but this is concerning. Yes, there are idiots out there who cannot chew gum and walk, much less drive while talking on their phones. There are also idiots who put on make-up, eat their Big Macs or shave while driving too. There is legislation on the books that can help remedy this, reckless driving.

I guarantee you if there are heavy fines handed out for reckless driving it will curb the use of cell phones on the roads! People understand when it hits their pockets!

Are passengers also going to be blocked from using their phones? Will you be able to use your phone if you are stranded on the highway? Or worse, if you are trapped in your car after an accident?

Unfortunately, this demand for more intrusion is just another in the line of hair brained legislation that will be passed down to the consumer in the form of more expensive cars and affect our lives negatively because officials won't simply enforce current legislation!
Eh. I watched it. He wasn't pushing for it. He was just answering the crazies on the morning show that were talking to him. He repeatedly added that it was more about personal responsibility and writing good laws.

The sad thing is he clearly went on there to talk about how people need to be responsible and turn off their damn phones (and I agree with him) but the crazy blogs found this one little snippet and are now abuzz with outrage. If you listen to LaHood talk about this subject, he is much more interested in heavy fines. His main interest in new technology is he wants car companies to stop putting technology in their cars that encourages you to do stuff like update your facebook status while driving.

However, I'm sure Glenn Beck and his ilk will take this one five second clip and go to town with it and Obama, being who he is, will just fire the guy to save himself the headache. I think that will be too bad.

EDIT: btw, your link doesn't work. Too many 'http's :)

Here's the link:

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Thanks for fixing the link for me Henry. And I made sure I added that he has backed off his statement. But there seems to be a lot of backing off statements going on. I just get the feeling that there is something to it when a politician or Cabinet member makes a statement/mis-statement, as this case may be, then backs away from that statement.

And car makers should be permitted to add technology to their cars, one way or the other. Yes, there needs to be some oversight into what car manufacturers do put in these cars. But there needs to be some limits to what the government needs to be sticking their hand into also.

Like I have stated and LaHood now seems to be claiming after his initial claim, there is legislation on the books to remedy idiot drivers in all facets of their foolishness, be it cell phone use, GPS use, eating, make-up application, shaving, ad nauseum...it is called reckless driving. Enforce that law with a heavy hand and this all goes away!
Well, he didn't exactly back off the statement. That just wasn't the point of the interview. Both times the interviewers brought up scramblers he said basically yeah that's an option but you have to have good laws and personal responsibility. I think we all know there's no WAY Congress would ever pass a law enabling scramblers in cars. I think LaHood knows it too and that's why he's out there pushing personal responsibility first and foremost. He was on the show to push his web campaign. Here it is:


I think this is a very worthy campaign. I think LaHood was trying to create a message similar to 'don't drink and drive' in the 80s. There's no mention of imposing technology on the masses. That's not the point of the message.

And now, his message will probably get lost because there's chum in the water, and God forbid we pass up a chance to score political points.
I have anti scrambling scrambers ready for sale at Sarge.com. Order now before the Christmas rush:)
yea...it'll be real tough to defeat the scrambling technology....not

the cure for folks who can't multitask? natural selection.

you know...in Tokyo...cars are rather like a home for large segments of the population. not unusual at all to see a TV in the front seat area....rather like GPS navigation devices that have step through menus....but I digress.

what about cars with built in wireless phone?

but the same folks have no problem with people getting high and driving! aint it grand!

the more you think about it...the dumber the idea gets. so...exactly what is the catch for...say...emergency calls?

no doubt...the Obama admin will require a full pat down for offenders with mandatory "junk" checks. cuz...they're all about safety and security!!!!
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the more you think about it...the dumber the idea gets. so...exactly what is the catch for...say...emergency calls?

And therein lies the problem.

Make it illegal to talk and drive in the states that haven't already. Fine. But seriously, where does it stop? Lipstick/blush/eyeshadow application is still legal. Eating your egg mcmuffin is still legal. Adjusting the radio, fighting with your wife, trying to grab your baby's sippy cup rolling around on the floor...yep...legal, legal, and legal.

If you want to eliminate distracted driving, we're going to have to start installing sensory deprivation chambers in the cabins of vehicles.
I know many people buying new cars are looking for the bluetooth technology, so can pair their phones and use handsfree. With Ford's SYNC it will dial 911 if there is an accident and air bags deploy (and power still intact).

Military bases have had a no cell phone police for couple years, which why many like the bluetooth feature in newer cars. Live and work near couple bases so see this first hand.

Factory GPS, especially Ford, will lock you out of certain functions once reach a speed of 3 mph.

I just feel the government is getting too involved in our every day lives. Just read about new regulations about business having to protect data against theft.

This puts a burden on small business, yet the Federal Government can lose a laptop or disc with your data and they don't penalize themselves!
I know many people buying new cars are looking for the bluetooth technology, so can pair their phones and use handsfree. With Ford's SYNC it will dial 911 if there is an accident and air bags deploy (and power still intact).

Military bases have had a no cell phone police for couple years, which why many like the bluetooth feature in newer cars. Live and work near couple bases so see this first hand.

Factory GPS, especially Ford, will lock you out of certain functions once reach a speed of 3 mph.

I just feel the government is getting too involved in our every day lives. Just read about new regulations about business having to protect data against theft.

This puts a burden on small business, yet the Federal Government can lose a laptop or disc with your data and they don't penalize themselves!

the problem they're after with cell phones is folks who are text messaging. so the proposed solution is a throw the baby out with the bathwater solution.

btw....military bases don't have a no cell phone policy. what some of the Services have is a rule that you must drive hands free - headsets have to be used while on base if you are the driver.
Regarding hands free devices, LaHood actually addresses that. He claims that statistically hands free devices do not reduce driver distraction, which is one of the things he wants to raise public awareness about.

Again, his campaign is not focused on scrambler technology, but raising awareness, which I think is a good thing.
Regarding hands free devices, LaHood actually addresses that. He claims that statistically hands free devices do not reduce driver distraction, which is one of the things he wants to raise public awareness about.

Again, his campaign is not focused on scrambler technology, but raising awareness, which I think is a good thing.

now..H-man...the point is that people using these devices aren't aware of the distraction? they're that stupid and need the government to weigh in and spend yet more money on the inevitable "awareness" campaign(s)? that, once again, the government needs to protect us from ourselves? that due to the habits of a minority of users everyone must sacrifice some freedoms? the previous comment abt other distractions and where do you draw the line is very valid. as is the concern...given this administration's habit patterns....that regulation and invasive controls are rigt behind the initial wave of lecturing. at what point do we say "enough" to government control over what we eat, what we say, how we fly, how we drive, what we can advertise, who can spend money and where, wo can drill and where, what cars we have to drive, what health care we can get....and on and on....all in the name of "superior"...."scientific"...."socially responsible".....BEHAVIOR CONTROL.....?

the fascist component of the do gooder elements in society is out of control and the predictable, legitimate as well as irrational, pushback is coming into play. the issues in play here are much bigger than mandating where, when and how cell phones can be used.

and that's all I have to say about dat!!!
There you go again, Al.

Sorry, I have no problem with the government launching a campaign to raise awareness for a troubling issue. That's not something the Obama administration invented. That's not something the Democrats invented. We've been doing it for decades. Say no to drugs. Don't drink and drive. Wear your seatbelt. These things are not socialism, communism, fascism or any other ism.

If you really think we need to 'draw the line' at the Secretary of Transportation going on a morning show to talk about the dangers of cell phone use while driving I don't know what to tell you.

And with that, I give up. These conversations all end the same way.
There you go again, Al.

Sorry, I have no problem with the government launching a campaign to raise awareness for a troubling issue. That's not something the Obama administration invented. That's not something the Democrats invented. We've been doing it for decades. Say no to drugs. Don't drink and drive. Wear your seatbelt. These things are not socialism, communism, fascism or any other ism.

If you really think we need to 'draw the line' at the Secretary of Transportation going on a morning show to talk about the dangers of cell phone use while driving I don't know what to tell you.

And with that, I give up. These conversations all end the same way.

1) the conversations don't always end the same.

2) doesn;t matter to me that out of the blue LaHood woke up one monring and decided now is the time to inform America that texting while driving is a dumb thing. have at it LaHood! (wasn't that the name of a corrupt villian in a Clint Eastwood film?). this is the same guy, afterall, who obvioulsy believes frisking 3 yr olds is a smart thing to do!

I feebly tried to communicate that more and more folks AREN'T LISTENING ANYMORE...cause the government is micro-managing just about EVERYTHING. The other point...which you are free to debate...is that the modus operandi of this administration and this Congress has been to lecture first (i.e., elevate awareness)...and then mandate behavior. again, even when they may have a good case, large elements of society have had enough and will not play along any longer. the power grab has been too large and too fast.

henry..in the end....here's my core problem with the administration: they actually do focus on a lot of issues that need to be addressed. but, with amazing regularity, they alsmost always opt for the dumbest, least well thought out approach. and they do not listen.
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Wow, that escalated fast. We went from a public awareness campaign to fascism.

Plus, I think Brick killed a man with a trident.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device
Wow, that escalated fast. We went from a public awareness campaign to fascism.

Plus, I think Brick killed a man with a trident.
Posted via BGO Mobile Device

components of fascism...get it right... :) .... even Liberals can stumble upon a good idea now and then. I hasten to note...it was Mr LaHood who surfaced the idea about technical solutions...so there is more in play than just awareness that folks driving and using cell phones don't realize that they are pissing on themselves

geez.....so.....do you think this is all haslett's fault?
I hasten to note...it was Mr LaHood who surfaced the idea about technical solutions...so there is more in play than just awareness that folks driving and using cell phones don't realize that they are pissing on themselves

Not based on the interview that's got all the conservative blogs falling all over themselves. Where have you heard that?


The people conducting the interview are the scary ones in my opinion. He's just answering their questions.
Not based on the interview that's got all the conservative blogs falling all over themselves. Where have you heard that?


The people conducting the interview are the scary ones in my opinion. He's just answering their questions.

H...about once a month I sit in traffic...for at least an hr.....cussing the folks who have had an accident in the underwater tunnel I pass thru to get to work - knowing full well that something like cell phone texting was a likely cause. so I understand/feel the emotions behind this.

be honest now:

- what affect do you think an awareness campaign will have?

- do think that the danger of texting and driving is something the public is unaware of?

- how much do you think the government should spend in a cell phone awareness campaign? could the money be better spent elsewhere?
And therein lies the problem.

Make it illegal to talk and drive in the states that haven't already. Fine. But seriously, where does it stop? Lipstick/blush/eyeshadow application is still legal. Eating your egg mcmuffin is still legal. Adjusting the radio, fighting with your wife, trying to grab your baby's sippy cup rolling around on the floor...yep...legal, legal, and legal.

If you want to eliminate distracted driving, we're going to have to start installing sensory deprivation chambers in the cabins of vehicles.

Not picking on you here Hog, just something I've never understood here. As I have said before in threads, I identify myself as in the middle, but definitely leaning conservative. I have always voted Repub.

OK, having established my street cred...

What is the deal with individual's rights, when they interfere with another's rights? For example, this topic. Don't I have a right to drive on the highways without some idiot talking on their cell phone, resulting in a crash that could affect my insurance negatively? I heard someone the other day bitching about the state mandating child car seats :insane:. WTF is that? I may be an idiot, but I like protecting my kids. Why do people have a problem with someone telling them they have to protect their children?

I guess the basis of my question or issue is that the stupid actions other people do can adversely affect me. Aren't my rights to not be affected by people just as important? Smoking comes to mind. I would like to not get lung cancer. So why did the world practically come to an end recently when smokers were disallowed from smoking in restaurants? Hell, if they want to have smoker-designated restaurants or something, I'd be fine with it. Just seems like my rights get trampled on in order to protect someone from being told that they can't do something stupid and harmful.

And let me just say that I detest the "Slippery Slope" argument. I suppose if someone were to elucidate it properly, I would listen. But I have enough nut job friends (spoken with true affection) that are already convinced the govt is listening in on our conversations, blah blah blah.

Wow. Long rant. Sorry about that. Again, not directed at you HH, your post just kinda struck something in me.
H...about once a month I sit in traffic...for at least an hr.....cussing the folks who have had an accident in the underwater tunnel I pass thru to get to work - knowing full well that something like cell phone texting was a likely cause. so I understand/feel the emotions behind this.

be honest now:

- what affect do you think an awareness campaign will have?

- do think that the danger of texting and driving is something the public is unaware of?

- how much do you think the government should spend in a cell phone awareness campaign? could the money be better spent elsewhere?

If what Henry says is true, that handsfree devices do not distract less, that is something I was genuinely unaware of, and I would guess I'm not the only one. And I use handsfree stuff ALL THE TIME at work. So, yes, I think an awareness campaign could be effective. Doesn't even need to be super expensive.

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