outside the box (bringing in young guys)


Nov 17, 2010
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I live in the warmest city in the coldest provinc
Alma Mater
as of right now, we should be scouring every single NFL teams Practice rosters for Olinemen. bring them in, give them a good look and then keep or get rid of them. we know what we have and we know its not good.

we should do the same for linebackers, frankly Linebacker is a position you can find guys who fit and make it work.

I am so tired of watching the same old scrubs getting beat down, at least with some youth we get some hope they will get better.
so, rummage thru other team's trash and hope we find treasure?

If the PS is trash, then why do the Skins and other teams even bother stashing players on there ?

You make the PS sounds like it's a place for rejects - it's a place for projects, developmental players who have the potential to be starters and contributors. Which is of course, the reason why they have restriction on how much experience player can have before going to the PS. You already know this, but I don't get why you're so against the concept of the PS. Right now the team as a whole is in a developmental stage, so why not bring in developmental players ?
Trash is a pretty strong word, and to say it gives the impression you're against the idea of the PS, is putting it lightly. It actually sounds much worse than that.

You're oversimplifying the PS. It's not that black & white.There are a lot of good players on there for several reasons - intense competition, just MARGINALLY not able to make the squad, and maybe that particular team is 10 times stronger and deeper at that particular position than the Skins, which means you could be quite talented and not make their roster, but make someone else's. If I'm a coach or a GM looking for an O-lineman - know where I'm going to look first ? On the team's practice squad that has the most talent and deepest talent at that position. Then there's the development issue I keep bringing up. Do players stay at the same talent level their entire career and never get better ?? Hardly.
Also, 53 players is not a lot of players to have on a football team. So, there's a lot of talent on PS's. In addition, how often have we seen teams sign players off other teams' PS, and onto their own active roster. I guess they weren't trash, were they ?

And by your logic, we should never sign undrafted players either - because they "weren't good enough" to be drafted. Well, drafts, active rosters and practice squads aren't always a good gauge of talent. The best gauge of talent is a coach with an EYE for talent, and who can see something in a player that no-one else can.
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I don't have to be a mind reader, or claim to be one, to deduce certain things, based on simple logical analysis. If you walk up to me and start screaming at the top of your lungs, face turning red, and showing your fists - would I be claiming to be reading your mind, if I concluded that you were angry ?
Maybe what I said is not what you intended to mean, but that ain't on me. You have to be more careful with your words. Words carry a lot of weight.
As for the signing of players, it certainly sounds like you are going against the grain of rebuilding this team the right way, and reverting to Snyder's old ways, of adding useless vets past their prime. Oh wait, am I now going to be accused of mind-reading, since I'm not allowed to come to a logical conclusion based on your thought process and choise of words ?
You are not going to find the "stud" you're referring to, without paying a huge price in a trade involving players and/or picks, and that's just going to set us back further in rebuilding.
we need talent upgrades across the board and instead of WAITING for the draft and free agency period, we should be working with whatever we can to find talent wherever it may be. that kid who had sex with his sister but who everyone said was a decent kid who had second round talent? he is in Calgary with the stamps, bring him in!, guys like Dixon went from our PR to starting on the eagles last year, there are teams who have great olines, maybe they have some oline kids on the PR? as for linebackers, we need them we run a 3-4 and have zero LB depth and a ancient MLB is the center of our defence.
I agree that we need to be combing through every team's PS and I hope we've already done that at least three times. These are all young players that the team didn't quite feel was ready, but didn't really want to let go. Almosts.

Find the teams that have the best olines and the best history of continually grooming/upgrading their line and see if there's some treasure there. Hopefully, there is. I don't know that we will find anyone ready to be an all star, but we could even use some solids and goods.

The only question is who do you cut for someone's PS guy because I think to sign away someone's practice player he has to go onto your regular roster.
we need talent upgrades across the board and instead of WAITING for the draft and free agency period, we should be working with whatever we can to find talent wherever it may be. that kid who had sex with his sister but who everyone said was a decent kid who had second round talent? he is in Calgary with the stamps, bring him in!

Tony Washington? Oh hell no. The dude went to my Alma Mater and I have personal reports from trusted friends still working out there that would curl your hair. He is NOT a character guy and in case you didn't notice, this last off season was devoted to bringing in character guys.

guys like Dixon went from our PR to starting on the eagles last year, there are teams who have great olines, maybe they have some oline kids on the PR? as for linebackers, we need them we run a 3-4 and have zero LB depth and a ancient MLB is the center of our defence.

Dixon didn't even make our PS. He was among the last cuts and the Eagles claimed him off waivers before we could make him an offer to join the PS. Frankly, I think it was this very thing that had us keeping 8 WR on the active roster this year as we were afraid a couple wouldn't make it through waivers and we would lose them like we lost Dixon.

Now, having said that about these two examples, I do get your drift and I agree with it. There is some talent out there somewhere right now that could help our team. It is just a matter of finding it.
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The problem is, Ryman, if you sign a PS player from another team, you've got to cut someone from your active roster. I'm pretty positive that they have a file on all active-PS players that they're interested in, and a grade of some type. But who do you cut? A Dejon Gomes? Its not as easy as "just look for good players and sign them."
What Lanky said. I bet we have people in the building who can name most of the players on other teams squads without having to use a cheat sheet too. Now, whether they're right or wrong on the ones they decide to pursue, or not, is another matter. To think they're not looking, is absurd.

And I'm sure the scouts are scouring the country looking for prospects for next years draft and potential UDFA, as well.
Tony Washington? Oh hell no. The dude went to my Alma Mater and I have personal reports from trusted friends still working out there that would curl your hair. He is NOT a character guy and in case you didn't notice, this last off season was devoted to bringing in character guys.

Dixon didn't even make our PS. He was among the last cuts and the Eagles claimed him off waivers before we could make him an offer to join the PS. Frankly, I think it was this very thing that had us keeping 8 WR on the active roster this year as we were afraid a couple wouldn't make it through waivers and we would lose them like we lost Dixon.

Now, having said that about these two examples, I do get your drift and I agree with it. There is some talent out there somewhere right now that could help our team. It is just a matter of finding it.
i would be very interested in hearing that. it goes against every official report but would make sense.

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