Our favorite Cowboys fan chimes in again

Burgundy Burner

The Commissioner
Joe Gibbs Club Member
Oct 1, 2009
Reaction score
Memphis, TN
Alma Mater
He's back - our Cowboys funny fan. He seems upset about last week's game and mentions the Redskins.

In the second video, he has a unique perspective of the upcoming game against Minnesota. Enjoy.



It's a crushing football season for Pukes fans so far. I remind one of my friends(Who's a Cowpie fan) that no team has EVER started 0-3 and gone to the Super Bowl. Seeings how that was where they were "supposed" to be in Jan, the crushing light of reality is starting to take effect

Life is sweeet
I wish I had the gumption to say that type of thing to a friend who is a Boyz fan. :) I did make mention of this week that I do think whoever loses between the 2 teams is gonna have a tough time making the playoffs at all and she agreed. I have learned one thing over the years... just because it has never BEEN done, doesn't mean someone can't get it done. Just PLEASE don't let it me THEM (I can't even say the words, I'm afraid I'll jinx the curse ::grin::)
I'll tell you I have been talking a lot of trash to the Dallas fans I have encountered! If they turn it around, I will vomit!
Our favorite Cowboys fan has chimed in on the Minnesota loss and it is another hilarious video. Starting at the 40 second mark with his wife is priceless. This is great stuff.

I mentioned it yesterday, I have learned to take great pleasure from the little things in life. It fills me with joy to see the Cowgirls struggling.
Our favorite Cowboys fan chimes in after the Monday night loss and this could be the best one yet. Ask him how he feels about Jerruh Jones. ROFLMBO!!!

That rant sounds awfully familiar. :)
LOL...priceless. Someone should tell him that Zorn is available if Cowher doesn't come.
I got a crazy thought a little while ago. :new_idea: Kitna could be the spark. :sunny: They could win the next 4 games! :banhim:
He's baaaaaaa-aaaaaack. After the latest loss, he talks about the "Circle of Suckiness". ROFLMBO!


His thoughts on Tony Romo.


However, he gives an EXCELLENT analysis of what is wrong and how it can be fixed. This man knows the game of football and presents things in the clearest manner possible. He has a good on camera demeanor too.


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