Our BGO Classic Redskins Photo Banner


The Commissioner
Staff member
BGO Founder
Apr 11, 2009
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Greensboro, NC
Military Branch
Marine Corps
Alma Mater

One of many small details that differentiates BGO from a number of other Redskins sites is our attention to detail when it comes to the look and feel of the place. We take great pride in our site images and graphics. One of our coolest features is our rotating classic Redskins image banner.

A group effort, with a lot of help from BGO staff member Pete Felice (aka 'Miles Monroe'), we have over 300 classic Redskins images currently in our banner rotation. We've tried to capture classic and memorable shots from every Redskins era from the days of the Boston Braves to the present.

This will be an ongoing project and we'd like to enlist your help in finding more great images of Redskins past and present. Memorable moments, Redskins legends, anything unique or special - we'd love to have your help finding additional images to add. It's just one small way you can continue to put your stamp on the place you call Redskins home.

If you have images you'd like to be considered for our banner, post them (or link to them) here :cheers:
At a minimum, we'd likely add a BGO Tailgate group shot every year ...

Our only guidance on submitted photos is, it should be an image that will be relevant 10 years from now (we've resisted the urge to have a bunch of images of current players dominating for example). Pete - we could probably add an image of Gruden at his opening press conference...

This might be a nice one...

I like to colorize photos, I can work on a few and submit them for approval.
I'm not opposed to folks sending stuff directly to me via email, or drop box.

change that to slightglass at gmail

or you're going to be unhappy in a few weeks with ads indicating someone's been measuring you while you sleep :)
No :) That's a fan flag he created for some kind of Redskins contest. Nice job too.
Whew. What a relief.
I hadn't seen him in a long time here, so that added to the concern over that quote about him.

He hasn't posted since late December 2013.
I like to colorize photos, I can work on a few and submit them for approval.

While appreciated, that's not really what we're looking for. We've kept the old B&W photos intact for their historical value. That being said, we'll be happy to look at what you do. Ya never know :)
Here's a classic from the first annual BGO Tailgate!


saw this one floating around on twitter. Riggo sportin the #29 :yikes:

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Nice one Dead Money - we'll definitely look at that one. 'Vertical' photos (the typical 480 wide by 640 tall) don't work well as banner images (unless we can crop them and still capture the essence). We need more horizontal images with more width than height. Sometimes we can get around that by doing a collage (I could see a collage of Redskins-related Wheaties covers working for example).

But we appreciate any/all images... Hell - we may even use Elephant's :)
Here is the photo that is in the background of DeSean Jackson signing his contract-

Marines sleeping with their bomb detecting dog.


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